A Collection of Machine Learning algorithms built for use with NodeJS
- agergo
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- ArtodMontréal
- audy@OneCodex
- boginiSan Francisco, CA
- chevettRelay Delivery
- ChristianSch
- coryarmbrecht
- cristopher-rodrigues
- CS-Tao@bytedance
- HanYu1983
- hugoabonizio@maritaca-ai
- JDvorakKunai
- Jeff-LewisStreetConnect & SchoolBee
- jjviscomiIntelligentDX
- jonbaerBrooklyn, NY
- joshbedo@Apptivity-io
- jwerle@SocketSupply
- kbariotisMixmax
- kgryte@stdlib-js @quansight @data-apis
- legomushroomSeattle, US
- mattsha
- mcollina@platformatic
- miketheprogrammerirc: mhernandez1 New York, NY
- ngrymanEntrepreneur
- omphalos
- opengineerTokyo, Japan
- PhDPUniversité de Montréal
- poyingTaipei, Taiwan
- RebekahJUK
- SantoshSrinivas79
- skadimoolamUzhavarbumi
- sl2
- Sree3
- utensil
- yipcyj