Primary LanguagePython


DeepDRIM is a supervised deep neural network model for predicting GRNs from scRNA-seq data. DeepDRIM converts the joint expression of a TF--gene pair into a primary image and considers the neighbor images as the neighborhood context of the primary image to remove false positives due to transitive interactions. As comparison, CNNC only consider the primary image.

Code is tested using Python 3.6 and R 3.6.


The data for evaluating DeepDRIM and data related to the experiment in the manuscript is in https://zenodo.org/record/4475471#.YBNvFZMzZTY.

We test DeepDRIM at the following eight cell type.

  • bone marrow-derived macrophages,
  • dendritic cells,
  • mESC(1): IB10 mouse, embryonic stem cells,
  • hESC: human embryonic stem cells,
  • mESC(2): 5G6GR mouse embryonic stem cells,
  • mHSC(E): mouse hematopoietic stem cell lines of erythroid lineage,
  • mHSC(GM): mouse hematopoietic stem cell lines of granulocyte-macrophage lineage,
  • mHSC(L): mouse hematopoietic stem cell lines of lymphoid lineage.

Benchmark and processed gene expression profiles for bone marrow-derived macrophages, dendritic cells, mESC(1) are availabel from https://github.com/xiaoyeye/CNNC. Benchmark and processed gene expression profiles for hESC, mESC(2), mHSC(E), mHSC(GM), mHSC(L) are availabel at https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3378975.

We format the pairs with positive labels in the benchmark downloaded from the corresponding links, and randomly select same number of pairs with negative labels, to generate the training pair file (see folder data_evaluation).

To study B cells in COVID-19, we generate gold standard of B cells based on ChIP-seq experiment from GTRD database ChIP-seq peaks (MACS2) files (Homo_sapiens_macs2_peaks.interval.gz) and corresponding gtf file (Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.gtf.gz). We search corresponding experiment ID for B cell by keyword in the GTRD website, and conduct Gene regulatory network (GRN) analysis use DeepDRIM, folder data_COVID-19 list some data generated in the experiment.

TASK 1, Evaluate DeepDRIM in eight cell line

STEP 1: Generate input for DeepDRIM

Code: generate_input_realdata.py

Input: Gene expression profile and the benchmark, etc.


  • out_dir: Indicate the path for output.
  • expr_file: The file of the gene expression profile. Can be h5 or csv file, the format please refer the example data.
  • pairs_for_predict_file: The file of the training gene pairs and their labels.
  • geneName_map_file: The file to map the name of gene in expr_file to the pairs_for_predict_file
  • flag_load_from_h5: Is the expr_file is a h5 file. True or False.
  • flag_load_split_batch_pos: Is there a file that indicate the position in pairs_for_predict_file to divide pairs into different TFs.
  • TF_divide_pos_file: File that indicate the position in pairs_for_predict_file to divide pairs into different TFs.
  • TF_num: To generate representation for this number of TFs. Should be a integer that equal or samller than the number of TFs in the pairs_for_predict_file.
  • TF_order_random: If the TF_num samller than the number of TFs in the pairs_for_predict_file, we need to indicate TF_order_random, if TF_order_random=True, then the code will generate representation for randomly selected TF_num TFs.
  • top_or_random: Decide how to select the neighbor images. Can be set as "top_cov","top_corr", "random
  • get_abs: Select neighbor images by considering top value or top absolute value.

Command for each cell type:

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir bonemarrow_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/bonemarrow/bone_marrow_cell.h5 -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/bonemarrow/gold_standard_for_TFdivide -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/bonemarrow/sc_gene_list.txt -flag_load_from_h5 True -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/bonemarrow/whole_gold_split_pos -TF_num 13

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir mesc_1_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/mesc/mesc_cell.h5 -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/mesc/gold_standard_mesc_whole.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/mesc/mesc_sc_gene_list.txt -flag_load_from_h5 True -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/mesc/mesc_divideTF_pos.txt -TF_num 38

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir dendritic_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/dendritic/dendritic_cell.h5 -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/dendritic/gold_standard_dendritic_whole.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/dendritic/sc_gene_list.txt -flag_load_from_h5 True -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/dendritic/dendritic_divideTF_pos -TF_num 16

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir hESC_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/hESC/ExpressionData.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairshESC.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/hESC_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairshESC.txtTF_divide_pos.txt -TF_num 18 -TF_order_random True

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir mESC_2_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mESC/ExpressionData.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmESC.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mESC_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmESC.txtTF_divide_pos.txt -TF_num 18 -TF_order_random True

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir mHSC_E_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mHSC-E/ExpressionData.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmHSC_E.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mHSC_E_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmHSC_E.txtTF_divide_pos.txt -TF_num 18 -TF_order_random True

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir mHSC_GM_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mHSC-GM/ExpressionData.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmHSC_GM.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mHSC_GM_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmHSC_GM.txtTF_divide_pos.txt -TF_num 18 -TF_order_random True

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir mHSC_L_representation -expr_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mHSC-L/ExpressionData.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmHSC_L.txt -geneName_map_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/mHSC_L_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos True -TF_divide_pos_file data_evaluation/single_cell_type/training_pairsmHSC_L.txtTF_divide_pos.txt -TF_num 18 -TF_order_random True

Example output:

  • x file: The representation of genes' expression file, use as the input of the model.
  • y file: The label for the corresponding pairs.
  • z file: Indicate the gene name for each pair.
  • version0 folder: Includes the x file only include the primary image of the gene pair, can be used as input for model CNNC.
  • version11 folder: Includes the x file include the primary images and neighbor images for each gene pair, can be used as input for model DeepDRIM.

STEP 2: TF-aware three-fold Cross-validation for DeepDRIM

Code: DeepDRIM.py

Input: the output of the STEP 1.


  • num_batches: Since in STEP 1, we divide training pairs by TFs, and representation for one TF is included in one batch. Here the num_batches should be the number of TF or the number of x file (in version11 folder generated in the last step).

  • data_path: The path that includes x file, y file and z file, which is generated in the last step.

  • output_dir: Indicate the path for output.

  • cross_validation_fold_divide_file: A file that indicate how to divide the x file into three-fold. See example data XXXX. The file include three line, each line list the ID of the x files for the folder (split by ',').

  • to_predict: True or False. Default is False, then the code will do cross-validation evaluation. If set to True, we need to indicate weight_path for a trained model and the code will do prediction based on the trained model.

  • weight_path: The path for a trained model.

Command example:

python3 DeepDRIM.py -num_batches 13 -data_path bonemarrow_representation/version11/ -output_dir boneMarrow -cross_validation_fold_divide_file cross_validation_fold_divide.txt

python3 DeepDRIM.py -num_batches 18 -data_path mHSC_L_representation/version11/ -output_dir mHSC_L_test -cross_validation_fold_divide_file cross_validation_fold_divide2.txt

DeepDRIM.py can also predict GRN using a trained model, for example:

 python3 DeepDRIM.py -to_predict True -num_batches 18 -data_path  mHSC_L_representation/version11/ -output_dir predict_test/ -weight_path data_evaluation/mHSC_L_keras_cnn_trained_model_shallow.h5 

TASK 2, Construct GRN in specific cell type use DeepDRIM

STEP 1: Generate ChIP-seq gold standard for specific cell type.

Example: B cell. search corresponding experiment ID by keyword in (http://gtrd20-06.biouml.org/bioumlweb/#)

Experiment ID: 'EXP058120', 'EXP058121', 'EXP058126', 'EXP058127', 'EXP000756', 'EXP000757', 'EXP000758', 'EXP000759', 'EXP000760', 'EXP000761', 'EXP000762', 'EXP000763', 'EXP000764', 'EXP000765', 'EXP000766', 'EXP000767', 'EXP000768', 'EXP000769', 'EXP000770', 'EXP000771', 'EXP000772', 'EXP000773', 'EXP000774', 'EXP000775'

1. Run:

GTRD_chipSeq_data_convert.py -> main_single_cell_type_chipseq_to_positive_pair()


  • data_chip-seq/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.gtf.gz
  • data_chip-seq/Homo_sapiens_macs2_peaks.interval.gz


  • tissue = 'B_cell'
  • cut off of pvalue is set to 1E-8.
  • in the ChipSeq_data_convert.initialize_exp_to_TF_set() for corrsponding tissue or cell type, to set (for B cell):

ChipSeq_data_convert.single_cell_exp_set = ['EXP058120', 'EXP058121', 'EXP058126', 'EXP058127', 'EXP000756', 'EXP000757', 'EXP000758', 'EXP000759', 'EXP000760', 'EXP000761', 'EXP000762', 'EXP000763', 'EXP000764', 'EXP000765', 'EXP000766', 'EXP000767', 'EXP000768', 'EXP000769', 'EXP000770', 'EXP000771', 'EXP000772', 'EXP000773', 'EXP000774', 'EXP000775']


  • B_cell_macs_positive_pairs__pvalue_e10_8.csv

2. Run:

GTRD_chipSeq_data_convert.py -> main_single_cell_type_filter_positive_pair()


  • B_cell_macs_positive_pairs__pvalue_e10_8.csv
  • health_B.csv: expression profile file for filter genes.



  • positive_pairshealth_B_cell.txt
  • health_B_geneName_map.txt
  • training_pairshealth_B.txt
  • training_pairshealth_B.txtTF_divide_pos.txt

Run STEP1-2 in TASK 1 to train the model.

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir B_health_representation -expr_file data_COVID-19/health_B.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_COVID-19/training_pairshealth_B.txt -geneName_map_file data_COVID-19/health_B_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos False
python3 DeepDRIM.py -num_batches XX -data_path B_health_representation/version11/ -output_dir B_health -cross_validation_fold_divide_file XX

STEP 4: Predict use trained DeepDRIM

Input: Trained model from TASK1 STEP2, Representation for other pairs generated by TASK1 STEP1.

Example model, trained by healthy B cell scRNA-seq data, B_cell_keras_cnn_trained_model_shallow.h5, generate representation use severe and mild scRNA-seq:

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir B_mild_representation -expr_file data_COVID-19/mild_B.csv -pairs_for_predict_file data_COVID-19/pair_for_predict_B_DE_TF.txt -geneName_map_file health_B_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos False

python3 generate_input_realdata.py -out_dir B_severe_representation -expr_file severe_B.csv -pairs_for_predict_file pair_for_predict_B_DE_TF.txt -geneName_map_file data_COVID-19/health_B_geneName_map.txt -flag_load_from_h5 False -flag_load_split_batch_pos False

Then predict the GRN use DeepDRIM.py. Example command:

 python3 DeepDRIM.py -to_predict True -num_batches XX -data_path  B_severe_representation  -output_dir XX -weight_path data_COVID-19/B_cell_keras_cnn_trained_model_shallow.h5 

TASK 3, The effectiveness of neighbor images, test by simulation data

STEP 1: Generate Random Network


R -f simulation_indirect_demo.R

STEP 2: Generate Representation for the simulated networks

Indicate the folder (output of STEP 1) that includes all simulated networks as input_dir in the generate_input_simulation.py->main()

python3 generate_input_simulation.py

STEP 3: Run CNNC with the representation.