
CnbiRos Telepresence package

Primary LanguageC++

Environment setup
We assume to have two machine: one directly connected to the robot, one running
the cnbiloop.
In ROS ecosystem, the machine connected to the robot is the MASTER and the
machine running the cnbiloop is the SLAVE. 
ROSCORE is running on the robot machine taking care, while in the machine
running the cnbiloop only the rostic/rostid nodes are executed.
In order to configure tha machine with the aforementioned setup, the following
steps are required:

In both the machines:
|+ Setting up the name of the machines
 |+ In /etc/hosts, add the following lines:
  |- bci
  |- robot
	 (where the two IPs can be different according to the network setup)
|+ Setting up the current ROS workspace:
 |+ In $HOME/.profile, add the following lines:

In the machines runnign ROSCORE (robot):
|+ Setting up ROS environment variables
 |+ In $HOME/.profile, add the following lines:
  |- export ROS_HOSTNAME=robot
  |- export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://robot:11311

In the machines runnign cnbiloop (bci):
|+ Setting up ROS environment variables
 |+ In $HOME/.profile, add the following lines:
  |- export ROS_HOSTNAME=bci
  |- export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://robot:11311

A logout is required to enable the changes in $HOME/.profile