
(WIP) An interactive web app for exploring cellular automata.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is cellular automata?


How does this project work?


Technical notes

Setting up and running locally.

  1. Run npm install to get all packages.
  2. Run npm run serve to start up the Webpack server and launch the app ina live-reloading browser window.

Technologies used

  • ThreeJS for WebGL conveniences like running custom shaders and managing uniforms.
  • GLSL shaders for running the reaction-diffusion equation for every pixel of the screen and rendering.
  • Vanilla ES6 JavaScript.
  • @kchapelier's cellular-automata-rule-parser to convert human-friendly rule definition strings into normalized parametric objects that make driving the simulation simpler.
  • Webpack build system with live-reloading dev server.
  • Github Pages to serve the files.