
Repository for a deep learning bootcamp hosted at the October 2019 SNMMI-ISMRM PET/MR Workshop

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This git repository was used for a small Deep Learning Bootcamp that occured on 10/26/2019 at the SNMMI-ISMRM PET/MR Workshop in New York City (https://petmr2019.snmmi.org). This is based on a bootcamp run at the University of Wisconsin (https://github.com/kmjohnson3/ML4MI_BootCamp)

1. Getting access to the data

Pre-requisite: A Google Acccount.

  1. Please complete the brief survey here: https://forms.gle/RjeWW82m1YgcdpF86. If you are doing this after October 26th, 2019, you may need to email Alan to request access.
  2. You will be invited to the shared data: PETMR_WORKSHOP_DL_BOOTCAMP_DATA
  3. Next, add this to your Google Drive by following these steps:
    1. Go to https://drive.google.com
    2. On the left, click Shared with me
    4. In the top right, click Add to My Drive
    5. Now you are ready!

2. Running the bootcamp exercises

This bootcamp will go through two simple hands-on examples to develop a classification model and an image segmentation model. Simply click on the links below to open the notebooks in Google CoLab. For more information about CoLab, go here.

  1. Exercise 1 MRI Sequence Type Detection:

  2. Exercise 2 CT Lung Segmentation:

3. Questions?

Please ask Alan if you have any questions or comments: abmcmillan@wisc.edu