Simulation environment for the Jetson Car project using Gazebo and ROS
To set up the simulation environment you need to clone the necessary repositories into an existing or new catkin workspace. Follow the steps below to set up a new catkin workspace and clone:
mkdir -p ~/jetsoncar_simulation_ws/src
cd ~/jetsoncar_simulation_ws/src
git clone
git clone
git clone
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
Build the project with catkin build
cd ~/jetsoncar_simulation_ws
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
The Gazebo simulation can be launched with
roslaunch jetsoncar_gazebo gazebo.launch
The Gazebo simulation/world can be reset without having to restart Gazebo by calling:
rosservice call /gazebo/reset_world
Published frames (TF's) can be viewed with (generates a PDF)
rosrun tf view_frames
Another way would be to convert the xacro file to urdf and then urdf_to_graphiz
xacro JetsonCar-Simulation/jetsoncar_description/urdf/jetsoncar.xacro >> jetsoncar.urdf
urdf_to_graphiz jetsoncar.urdf
evince jetsoncar.pdf
is only for testing purposes. A node in a real system or Gazebo for simulation should provide the current actual joint angles by updating all tf's.
Both joint transmission (actuators) and joint controllers will have to be initialized: