
WARNING! This repository is deprecated. Please find the latest code in: https://github.com/mindThomas/JetsonCar

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Install and Setup of nVidia Jetson TX2

  1. Install Ubuntu 18.04 through JetPack 4.4.1.
  2. Configure the PC name to be: jetson-car
  3. Configure the username to be: jetson
  4. Install ROS Melodic.

Clone and Build

Install necessary tools

This project uses ROS Melodic and the following extra dependencies:

sudo apt-get install python-catkin-tools
sudo apt-get install python-rosdep


To set up the simulation environment you need to clone the necessary repositories into an existing or new catkin workspace. Follow the steps below to set up a new catkin workspace and clone:

mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/src
cd ~/ros_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/mindThomas/JetsonCar-Gazebo
git clone https://github.com/mindThomas/JetsonCar-ROS
git clone https://github.com/mindThomas/realsense_gazebo_plugin
cd ..
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y


Build the project with catkin build

cd ~/ros_ws
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash


Descriptions and guides how to use this ROS project can be found in the notes below.

USB rules file for automatic device detection

The MCU can automatically be detected and assigned to /dev/jetsoncar when connecting it over USB if the rules file, 99-jetsoncar.rules, is installed.

To install the rules file, copy 99-jetsoncar.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/.

Install as service on boot

A startup script and corresponding service (for starting at boot) for launching the minimal bringup launch file has been made.

Copy the startup_launch.sh and PrepareHostROS.sh to the home folder. Copy the file jetsoncar.service into /lib/systemd/system and modify the path to the startup_launch.sh script accordingly and rename the user and group to the username on the device if different. Enable the service on boot by running:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable jetsoncar.service

After the service has been installed the driver can be started, stopped or restarted by using:

sudo service jetsoncar start
sudo service jetsoncar stop
sudo service jetsoncar restart