Generate Your Own Scotland: Satellite Image Generation Conditioned on Maps
- aleksispiRISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- bfrangiMadrid
- bobleegogogoTechnical Unvierstiy of Munich
- ChenhongyiYangMeta
- DerrickWang005The University of Sydney
- elsaFFIFauna & Flora International
- fly51flyPRIS
- foteinidd
- GCBallesterosKuva Space
- gutzbenjOtto Group data.works | @OG-DW
- ibvhimHyderabad, India
- ideoscopic
- Issac-WestcottWorld
- jacobbieker@vida-place
- JayantTaneja
- jbarcivCentre for Automation and Robotics (CSIC-UPM)
- JizhongpengShanghai
- LifeLearnerGuy
- loicdtxJRC
- Marc-g-ZDerisk Venture Studio
- PDS99
- robmarkcole@earthdaily
- RubenGres@IGNF
- ryali93USAL
- ShexiaoxWHU
- SilverRAN
- SpiruelManchester, UK
- tdurandFreelance
- thangnm99
- tvoirandBordeaux, France
- wchatxHabitat Energy
- xiaomingxige
- YangPanHZAUWuHan university
- yeelauren
- YonghaoXu
- yunfan0621University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS)