Example python project

This is an exciting python project with two nice features

  • Continuous integration using GitHub workflows. Badge to prove it: CI & Coverage
  • Code testing and coverage using codecov.io. Badge to prove it: codecov

With them, you can get to know the status of your code, and add these cool badges to it. Feel free to reuse any part of this package for your own projects


To install this package, run the following command in the root directory of the project

pip install -U --user -e .

The flags are:

  • -U to upgrade the package if it is already installed
  • --user to install the package in the user directory
  • -e to install the package in editable mode, so that changes in the code are immediately available

Entry point

The file setup.py contains the entry point of the package. This means that when you install the package with pip, it will create a command line entry point with the name my_module. This will call the function main of the file my_module.py. You can change the name of the entry point in the file setup.py.