
CRCmapper: map core regulatory circuitry

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


REFERENCE: Models of Human Core Transcriptional Regulatory Circuitries. Violaine Saint-André, Alexander J. Federation, Charles Y. Lin, Brian J. Abraham, Jessica Reddy, Tong Ihn Lee, James E. Bradner, Richard A. Young. Genome Res. 2016. 26: 385-396 (https://genome.cshlp.org/content/26/3/385.long)

Please cite this article when using this code.

SOFTWARE AUTHORS: Violaine Saint-Andre, Alexander J. Federation, Charles Y. Lin.

CONTACT: violaine.saint-andre@curie.fr

Developed using Python 2.7.3

PURPOSE: To build Core Regulatory Circuitry from H3K27ac ChIP-seq data


FIMO (Grant et al. 2011) from the MEME suite and SAMtools (http://www.htslib.org/) (Li et al., 2009) must be installed

Code must be run from the directory in which it is stored together with TFlist_NMid_hg.txt, TFlist_NMid_ms.txt, VertebratePWMs.txt, MotifDictionary.txt, bamToGFF.py, utils.py, bamToGFFutils.py and a directory named "annotation" containing the genome annotation files (hg38_refseq.ucsc, hg19_refseq.ucsc, hg18_refseq.ucsc, mm9_refseq.ucsc)

The bam file of sequencing reads for H3K27ac must be sorted and indexed using SAMtools

Fasta files for the genome used must be placed in a directory that will be specified when runing the program (-f option). Those files must be split by chromosome and termed "chrN.fa" with N being the chromosome number. They can be downloaded from http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/chromosomes/ (they will need to be unzipped)


CRCmapper.py: main program

utils.py: utility methods

TFlist_NMid_hg.txt: TFs used and their human NMIDs

TFlist_NMid_ms.txt: TFs used and their murine NMIDs

VertebratePWMs.txt: Vertebrate Motifs PWM library

MotifDictionary.txt: TFs used and their associated motif PWM names

bamToGFF.py: program calculating density of sequencing reads from the bam file in specified regions, and the genome annotation file (https://github.com/bradnerComputation/pipeline/blob/master/bamToGFF.py) (Lin et al. 2012)

annotation/hg38_refseq.ucsc, annotation/hg19_refseq.ucsc, annotation/hg18_refseq.ucsc and annotation/mm9_refseq.ucsc: genome annotation files


The program is run by calling CRCmapper.py from the directory containing all the documents:

python CRCmapper.py -e [ENHANCER_FILE] -b [BAM_FILE] -g [GENOME] -f [FASTA] -s [SUBPEAKS] -x [EXP_CUTOFF] -l [EXTENSION-LENGTH] -n [NAME] -o [OUTPUT_FOLDER] [optional: ]

Required parameters:


[ENHANCER_FILE]: enhancer table (SAMPLE_AllEnhancers.table.txt) generated with ROSE (https://bitbucket.org/young_computation/rose)


[BAM_FILE]: sorted indexed bam file for H3K27ac sequencing reads


[GENOME]: build of the genome to be used for the analysis. Currently supports HG38, HG19, HG18 and MM9

-f [FASTA]

[FASTA]: path to the corresponding genome fasta files


[SUBPEAKS]: bedfile of peaks output from MACS used to identify SE constituents


[EXP_CUTOFF]: percentage of transcripts that are not considered expressed, default=33


[EXTENSION-LENGTH]: length (in bp) to extend constituents for motif search, default=500

-n [NAME]

[NAME]: sample name


[OUTPUT_FOLDER]: directory to be used for storing output

Optional parameters:


[ACTIVITY_TABLE]: a two column table with refseq in the first column and the associated activity (expression or promoter acetylation level) in the second column


[ENHANCER_NUMBER]: the number of top ranked enhancers to include in the analaysis, default = supers


fimo.txt: output of the motif search from the FIMO program

matrix.gff: location matrix in gff format used by bamToGFF.py program

SAMPLE_ASSIGNMENT_GENES.txt: list of gene names for genes assigned to SEs

SAMPLE_ASSIGNMENT_TRANSCRIPTS.txt: Transcripts NMIDs for transcripts assigned to SEs

SAMPLE_AUTOREG.txt: list of TFs gene names predicted to bind their own SE

SAMPLE_bg.meme: DNA background sequence file used with FIMO

SAMPLE_CANDIDATE_TF_AND_SUPER_TABLE.txt: table containing the candidate TFs and the location of their associated SEs

SAMPLE_CRC_SCORES.txt: all possible CRCs, ranked based on the average frequency of occurrence of the TFs they contain across all the possible interconnected auto regulatory loops (see reference above for details)

SAMPLE_EXPRESSED_GENES.txt: list of genes considered expressed (see reference above for details)

SAMPLE_EXPRESSED_TRANSCRIPTS.txt: list of transcripts considered expressed as explained in the reference above

SAMPLE_subpeaks.bed: bedfile of SE constituent sequences

SAMPLE_SUBPEAKS.fa: fasta file of SE constituent sequences used with FIMO

SAMPLE_TSS.gff: gff file with TSS coordinates used by bamToGFF.py

TF_SAMPLE_motifs.bed: DNA binding motif locations in extended enhancer constituents for this TF


Grant CE, Bailey TL, Noble WS. 2011. FIMO: scanning for occurrences of a given motif. Bioinformatics 27: 1017–8.

Li H, Handsaker B, Wysoker A, Fennell T, Ruan J, Homer N, Marth G, Abecasis G, Durbin R. 2009. The Sequence Alignment/Map format and SAMtools. Bioinformatics 25: 2078–9.

Lin CY, Lovén J, Rahl PB, Paranal RM, Burge CB, Bradner JE, Lee TI, Young RA. 2012. Transcriptional Amplification in Tumor Cells with Elevated c-Myc. Cell 151: 56–67.