
Do i still need a stepper driver?

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pbbob commented
Do i still need a stepper driver?
misan commented

I do agree with Robert: extruder needs to use a geared down dc motor for good results.

A new feature you may one to use is the "virtual" endstops, that will save you some wiring and components while still providing you the endstop signal for each axis.

Each motor controller is linked to the Mega to *-DIR and *-STEP pins (replace * by each axis name).

Kadah commented

I used the print head motion assembly from a salvaged inject for the x axes of my first printer using this project to control the DC motor on that.

It worked worked, but there were some inherent issues with the setup. Backlash was rather bad, and there was a minimum movement amount for motion. So squares would be slightly trapezoidal, and circles came out tilted ellipses. As long the corners of a print weren't required to be high tolerance. I got enough usable parts out of the setup to slowly upgrade my Repstrap and improve print quality greatly.

misan commented

@Kadah if motors are underpowered (or a too low gain is used) you can see this behavior. Remember just raising the h-bridge power supply voltage is giving any motors an extra kick (at the expense of more heat).

misan commented
pbbob commented

@sanchosk when you said your worst results were with the l298, what did you mean? what was worse about them? also, do you know which one you had best results with?

pbbob commented

@sanchosk what h bridge would you reccomend?

pbbob commented

@sanchosk your link is broken

pbbob commented

@sanchosk what do you mean that the 12v was not enough?

pbbob commented

ok. that works. thanks

pbbob commented

@sanchosk what do you mean that the 12v was not enough?

pbbob commented

@misan @sanchosk I am confused on how to connect the tb6612 to the attiny. there are 3 inputs(in1,in2,pwm) for each motor, but only 2 pwm outputs on the attiny. how did you hook it up, and what happened to the leftover pin?

pbbob commented

@misan the same thing above ^^^^^^ aplies to the a4950. how do you configure all 3 pins? (in1, in2, vref)?

Kadah commented

@misan The cogging(?) angles of the particular motor and pulley weren't enough to small moves to be a thing with it. I think the best it could do was 45degs, which worked out to like 0.8mm. There was additional backlash in the rest of the system, not just from the DC motor itself. The weight of the print head was also not helping anything.

I found the old video of it printing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyIZFUmpDHg

I've used both the L298N and TB6612FNG. I mainly used the L298N, but the TB6612FNG had the size advantage and I'd likely start with it next time I try this.

misan commented
pbbob commented

@sanchosk the datasheet says that pwm1 and pwm2 have "200kΩ pull-down at internal ". does that mean i should pull them low?

pbbob commented

I am designing an arduino mega shield so that is compatible with marlin firmware for a reprap. it will use 4 attiny85s running dcservo

Kadah commented

@misan Yup, its an HP one but it was a weird 13.4V printer I believe. I kept the plug pack from it somewhere, figured it make a good source for a 12V linear reg if I ever needed it.