- 1
#154 opened by rafitamolin - 1
#143 opened by smiba - 1
Fobidden words
#144 opened by tristangrimaux - 6
Bot stops reacting to mentions and messages
#131 opened by RayKatz - 0
requires ruby-dev but does not say so
#153 opened by premium-uwe - 3
I'm too stupid to make my bot tweet
#111 opened by LoosGuccreen - 3
http and https always top keyword list
#130 opened by bradurani - 1
cant able to stop ebooks if running in backgroud
#145 opened by navinspm - 0
Unable to auth when running Ebooks in Supervisor
#142 opened by thebitstick - 0
Add ability to archive tweets using hashtag
#141 opened by mpchadwick - 1
#136 opened by ebookshelp - 0
Error occurring upon running `ebooks start`
#138 opened by urcades - 3
Any way to consume multiple files to the same model?
#135 opened by jstray - 1
- 2
JSON exception when archiving
#124 opened by Chenny2 - 2
- 3
pictweet() causes TypeError
#127 opened by GeekBrony - 1
Streaming a user
#122 opened by elliottmorris - 1
Heroku-specific error
#129 opened by fontiago - 2
Stopword = never tweet?
#123 opened by thewesker - 1
Disable "bot niceness"
#121 opened by thebitstick - 3
Mention reply breaks Twitter limit
#126 opened by koboldunderlord - 2
Bot is building sentences but not tweeting
#125 opened by spazz22 - 1
"Invalid or expired token" when updating corpus
#108 opened by markbao - 1
- 1
Error Starting Bot
#120 opened by MrActivisionary - 8
How Does This AI Work?
#112 opened by amadeus - 2
Can't get example to run
#117 opened by NKromelow - 0
Documentation for the console API
#119 opened by eldritchreality - 0
Feature Request: Tweeting Videos
#118 opened by sad - 1
Question about jsonify command
#116 opened by tape- - 2
Import both plain text and Twitter for a single bot (Multiple data sources)
#115 opened by ZacharyDuBois - 0
I.... I think I'm at the finish line. Stuck not tweeting, always returns "Building: Sentence 0 of 2374"
#114 opened by snazzle - 2
Request: On-Demand tweets
#106 opened by chris2746 - 1
Authentication issue when archiving
#105 opened by abhinavchh - 3
ebooks archive JSON Parser Error
#103 opened - 0
Empty sentences are still there
#104 opened by animeavi - 5
- 3
Feature request: 'archive' should honor deletion
#97 opened by za3k - 1
- 5
`on_message` doesn't appear to be firing
#100 opened by estiens - 3
ERROR: Error installing twitter_ebooks:
#95 opened by PiotrMi - 1
Unable to install via gem
#88 opened by lzzzzzzz - 1
ebooks start syntax error
#90 opened by grrful - 3
- 4
ebooks start failure: EADDRNOTAVAIL: Can't assign requested address - connect(2)
#91 opened by rachelhyman - 2
- 2
No live threads left. Deadlock? (fatal)
#94 opened by tarkaja - 0
`ebooks consume` should create the model directory if it doesn't already exist
#93 opened by alyssais - 0
Sigh, never mind.
#89 opened by waferbaby