A list of resources people can use for job searching and interview prep
- adtyn
- aethericalAetherical
- augustokl@Tesorio
- benji-york@cribl
- bgrebil
- bigloudjeffSan Jose
- BMayhew
- desinoleSanford, FL
- elazar@FollowUpBoss
- ErickBazImproving
- fengweijp
- hipsterhattonManchester, UK
- janschreier
- JoelSalas22Central Ohio
- joemhagerman
- johnbfairRocket Homes
- markjulmarjulmar.com
- mattmcgivAWS
- morgan-256
- NickMcGinnisKentucky, United States
- nilact
- oj-ghoj-gh
- payneOmaha, NE
- portellamUnited Wholesale Mortgage
- rasulkireevReadwise
- RobertBernsteinTardis Technologies
- RobJohnstonOttawa, Canada
- said-abdi-dev
- santisbonChicago, IL
- Sobi-WanKenobiDetroit Metro
- TheMoo75United Kingdom
- tremorscriptTremorsys
- vchimev