
Command line cheatsheets


Cheatsheets for CLI commands I use.

NOTE: The brackets are not literal, but the curly brackets are.

Remote Connection (ssh)

  • ssh [user]@[host] ls -lNHha --color DIR: Remote ls
  • ssh [user]@[host] "cat [file]" | diff - [local_file]: Remote diff
  • ssh -Y -l [user] [host] -p [PORT]: Port Forwarding (X11)
  • scp -pr [user]@[host]:[REMOTE_PATH] [LOCAL_PATH]: Download file(s) from server
  • scp -pr [LOCAL_PATH] [user]@[host]:[REMOTE_PATH]: Upload file(s) to server
  • Shift+Middle Click or Shift+Insert: Paste from clipboard to server

NOTE: [user]@[host] can be simplified by using aliased in $HOME/.ssh/config file

SGE (Sun Grid Engine)

  • Submit Jobs:
    • qsub [script]: Submit a job that will execute the specified script
    • qsub [script] [arguments]: Submit a job that will execute the specified script with the specified arguments
    • qsub [script] [arguments]: Submit a job that will execute the specified script with the specified arguments
    • qsub -N [job_name] [script]: Submit a job that will execute the specified script with the specified job name
    • qsub -hold_jid [dependency_job] [script]: Submit a job that will execute the specified script but depends on the execution of another job
  • Delete jobs:
    • qdel [job_id]: Delete the job with the specified job_id
    • qdel {[job_id_i]..[job_id_j]}: Delete jobs in the specified range (including both ends)
  • View job statuses:
    • qstat -f: Display "full" information on all queues for all users
    • qstat -j [job_list]: Display information for the specified jobs (comma separated)
    • qstat -u [user_name]: Display information on all queues for the specified user
    • qstat -q [queue_name]: Display information on the specified queue
    • The options above can be combined, e.g.:
      • qstat -f -u [user_name] -q [queue_name]


  • Run Jobs
    • srun -u --pty --gres=gpu:1 bash -i: Allocate 1 GPU (--gres=gpu:1) and run bash interactively (bash -i)
    • srun -u --pty --gres=gpu:1 -t 2-0 bash -i: Allocate 1 GPU and run bash interactively for 2 days (-t 2-0)
    • srun -u --pty --gres=gpu:1 -t 2:30:00 bash -i: Allocate 1 GPU and run bash interactively for 2 and a half hours (-t 2:30:00)
    • srun -u --pty --gres=gpu:1 -C [constraint] bash -i: Allocate 1 GPU and run bash interactively when the constraint (e.g. TitanX) is met
    • srun -u --pty --gres=gpu:1 [script]: Allocate 1 GPU (--gres=gpu:1) and run the specified script
  • Submit batch jobs
    • sbatch [script]: Submit a script job (using SBATCH commands in the script to specify options)
  • View information about jobs:
    • squeue: View information about jobs from all users
    • squeue -u [user]: View information about jobs submitted from the specified user
  • View job configuration: -scontrol show job: View configuration for all jobs -scontrol show job [job_id]: View configuration for the specified job


  • Prefix+Ctrl-s: Save tmux session that persists through reboots (requires tmux-resurrect)
  • Prefix+Ctrl-r: Restore tmux session, even after reboot (requires tmux-resurrect)
  • Prefix+?: Help
  • Prefix+/: Search


  • watch -t [command]: Execute command periodically every 2 seconds and display output without the command title (-t option)
  • watch -t -n [seconds.deciseconds] [command]: Execute command periodically using the specified interval and display output
  • watch -t -d [command]: Execute command periodically and display output, highlighting the differences