
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Model Predictive Path Integral Controller


This is a controller (local trajectory planner) that implements the Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) algorithm to track a path with adaptive collision avoidance. It contains plugin-based critic functions to impact the behavior of the algorithm. It was created by Aleksei Budyakov and adapted for Nav2 by Steve Macenski.

This plugin implements the nav2_core::Controller interface allowing it to be used across the navigation stack as a local trajectory planner in the controller server's action server (controller_server).

This controller is measured to run at 45 Hz on a modest Intel processor (4th gen i5). See its Configuration Guide Page for additional parameter descriptions.

It works currently with Differential and Omnidirectional robots, with support for Ackermann planned.

MPPI Description

The MPPI algorithm finds a control velocity for the robot using an iterative approach. Using the previous time step's best control solution and the robot's current state, a set of randomly sampled perturbations from a Gaussian distribution are applied. These noised controls are forward simulated to generate a set of trajectories within the robot's motion model.

Next, these trajectories are scored using a set of plugin-based critic functions to find the best trajectory in the batch. The output scores are used to set the best control with a soft max function.

This process is then repeated a number of times and returns a converged solution. This solution is then used as the basis of the next time step's initial control.


This uses the usual ROS tools for dependency management, so please use rosdep to install the dependencies.

Note: If running on Ubuntu 20.04 or other OS's that xtensor is not released in binary form, please manually install xtensor v 0.24.0 and xtl v 0.7.0. These are simply headers so the install process is trivially short, unfortunately the xtensor project isn't available in package managers in some common-place operating systems (albeit, all necessary ROS OS versions) so you may be required to do this yourself if building from source.

git clone git@github.com:xtensor-stack/xtensor.git -b 0.24.0
cd xtensor
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

git clone git@github.com:xtensor-stack/xtl.git -b 0.7.0
cd xtl
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

# Optional
git clone git@github.com:xtensor-stack/xsimd.git -b 8.0.5
cd xsimd
mkdir build
cmake ..
sudo make install


Controller params

Parameter Type Definition
motion_model string Type of model [DiffDrive, Omni, Ackermann]
critics string Critics (plugins) names
iteration_count int Iteration count in MPPI algorithm
max_robot_pose_search_dist double Upper bound on integrated distance along the global plan to search for the closest pose to the robot pose. This should be left as the default unless there are paths with loops and intersections that do not leave the local costmap, in which case making this value smaller is necessary to prevent shortcutting.
transform_tolerance double TF tolerance to transform poses
batch_size int Count of randomly sampled trajectories
time_steps int Number of time steps (points) in each sampled trajectory
model_dt double Time interval between two sampled points in trajectories
vx_std double Sampling standart deviation for VX
vy_std double Sampling standart deviation for VY
wx_std double Sampling standart deviation for WX
vx_max double Max VX
vy_max double Max VY
wz_max double Max WZ
temperature double Selectiveness of trajectories by their costs (The closer this value to 0, the "more" we take in considiration controls with less cost), 0 mean use control with best cost, huge value will lead to just taking mean of all trajectories without cost consideration
visualize bool Use visualization

GoalCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
goal_cost_weight double
goal_cost_power int

GoalAngleCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
goal_angle_cost_weight double
goal_angle_cost_power int
threshold_to_consider_goal_angle double Minimal distance between robot and goal above which angle goal cost considered

PathAngleCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
path_angle_cost_weight double
path_angle_cost_power int

ReferenceTrajectoryCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
reference_cost_weight double
reference_cost_power int
enable_nearest_goal_critic bool enable critic that scores by mean distance from generated trajectories to nearest to generated trajectories path points
nearest_goal_offset int take offseted nearest path point [nearest + offset] in considiration
nearest_goal_count int take nearest path points [nearest + offset, nearest + offset + count] in considiration
nearset_goal_cost_weight int
enable_nearest_path_angle_critic bool enable critic that scores by mean angle difference between generated trajectories and nearest to generated trajectories path point
nearest_path_angle_offset int take offseted nearest path point [nearest + offset] in considiration
nearest_path_angle_cost_power int
nearest_path_angle_cost_weight int

ObstaclesCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
consider_footprint bool
obstacle_cost_weight double
obstacle_cost_power int

PreferForwardCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
prefer_forward_cost_weight double
prefer_forward_cost_power int

TwirlingCritic params

Parameter Type Definition
twirling_cost_weight double
twirling_cost_power int

XML configuration example

      plugin: "mppi::Controller"
      time_steps: 15
      model_dt: 0.1
      batch_size: 400
      vx_std: 0.2
      vy_std: 0.2
      wz_std: 1.0
      vx_max: 0.5
      vy_max: 0.5
      wz_max: 1.3
      iteration_count: 2
      prune_distance: 1.5
      transform_tolerance: 0.1
      temperature: 0.25
      motion_model: "DiffDrive"
      visualize: false
      critics: ["ReferenceTrajectoryCritic", "GoalCritic", "GoalAngleCritic", "ObstaclesCritic", "PreferForwardCritic" ]
        reference_cost_power: 1
        reference_cost_weight: 3.0
        enable_nearest_goal_critic: true
        nearest_goal_offset: 2
        nearest_goal_count: 2
        nearest_goal_cost_power: 1
        nearset_goal_cost_weight: 1.0
        enable_nearest_path_angle_critic: true
        nearest_path_angle_offset: 6
        nearest_path_angle_cost_power: 1
        nearest_path_angle_cost_weight: 1.0
        goal_cost_power: 1
        goal_cost_weight: 5.0
        goal_angle_cost_power: 1
        goal_angle_cost_weight: 5.0
        threshold_to_consider_goal_angle: 0.20
        consider_footprint: true
        collision_cost: 2000.0
        obstacle_cost_power: 2
        obstacle_cost_weight: 1.5
        prefer_forward_cost_power: 1
        prefer_forward_cost_weight: 5.0
        path_angle_cost_power: 1
        path_angle_cost_weight: 0.5
        twirling_cost_power: 1
        twirling_cost_weight: 25.0


Topic Type Description
trajectories visualization_msgs/MarkerArray Randomly generated trajectories, including resulting control sequence
transformed_global_plan nav_msgs/Path Part of global plan considered by local planner

Notes to Users

The model_dt parameter generally should be set to the duration of your control frequency. So if your control frequency is 20hz, this should be 0.05. However, you may also set it lower but not larger.

Visualization of the trajectories using visualize uses compute resources to back out trajectories for visualization and therefore slows compute time. It is not suggested that this parameter is set to true during a deployed use, but is a useful debug instrument while tuning the system.