🪄 Turns your machine learning code into microservices with web API, interactive GUI, and more.
- 5118Python
- antoinemartinParis
- bsjjim
- Btibert3Boston University
- cgawronFachhochschule Südwestfalen @fhswf
- chengjingfeng
- ChingweiYu
- defcom74Monterrey, Mexico
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- dsoul
- feihu233
- francbartoli@geobeyond
- HintikkaKimmo@RudderStack
- ianstreamSeoul, South Korea
- imagejanFriedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI)
- jhcloos
- jjdblastShanghai
- justicelee
- kwrobertKairos Aerospace
- lukasmasuchBerlin
- MhdSyrwanIstanbul, Turkey
- nd1511European Space Agency (ESA)
- otomazeli
- pvergainTerre
- raethleinBerlin
- RichardChiangNew York
- RNWTenor
- RolfLoboHuntsville, Alabama
- ronaldokunANATEL - SP
- SchotsStone Co.
- sdasd12312wasdasd
- senjananda
- shnups@numberly
- sushil79gSydney, Australia
- tRexCheng
- wriver4whizBANG! Developers