Attempt to replicate: A deep learning framework for financial time series using stacked autoencoders and long- short term memory
- aisurfer
- artu001null
- behnido
- cfwin
- chadgit
- dennisdtVantaSoft
- dhaopku
- FrankWJWKing's College London
- fsonmez
- itsshaikaslam
- jeremytanjianle
- JGuymontMontreal, Canada
- jiahao1889
- JianchiZhang
- Jovrys
- jsyqrt
- LastAncientOneUSA
- Laur-lct
- liufeirong
- lxj0276china
- mlpanda
- rk2900Microsoft Research
- rodnandesBrazil
- rongzhou
- scaujjs
- shewmingg
- snazari
- statham-stoneHIT-SCIR
- tdr1991
- walkacrossShenzhen, China
- wellbeing18
- WhampPortland, OR
- YvictorTaiwan
- yyfyan
- yz81
- ZugunruhekamiFrankfurt am Main