- 0
Cannot resume from checkpoint with a callback
#149 opened by jiho - 2
Apparent issue with macOS Sonoma 14.4.1
#143 opened by DenaJGibbon - 0
How to use luz with custom optimizer?
#145 opened by icejean - 0
cpp_tensor_from_buffer error
#144 opened by maxwell-geospatial - 3
Error in setup() with nn_sequential()
#36 opened by skeydan - 5
- 1
CRAN and GitHub versions failed to install WIN11
#133 opened by oguchihy - 4
luz_callback_auto_resume doesn't resume ctx$epoch
#136 opened by pradosj - 1
- 1
R crashes when attempting to save a model or make checkpoints before moving tensors to CPU
#131 opened by ppdebem - 3
`predict`: How to get embedding layer?
#130 opened by talegari - 2
luz metrics do not work with optim_lbfgs.
#128 opened by wbzyl - 2
How to just continue training
#113 opened by GitHubGeniusOverlord - 0
Release luz 0.4.0
#126 opened by dfalbel - 8
Rstudio crashes when fitting using luz
#102 opened by MislavSag - 0
- 0
Debug errors in callbacks/metrics
#109 opened by dfalbel - 0
MixUp callback should be configurable
#111 opened by dfalbel - 0
Avoid computing metrics on train data
#110 opened by dfalbel - 1
- 0
progressr callback
#32 opened by dfalbel - 1
Examples dont run on their own
#86 opened by GitHubGeniusOverlord - 1
lr_finder changes minibatch size
#87 opened by jtrecenti - 0
Update luz examples
#106 opened by dfalbel - 0
Stop/resume model fitting
#88 opened by pradosj - 0
predict.luz_module_fitted callbacks help
#103 opened by jonthegeek - 0
Release luz 0.3.1
#100 opened by dfalbel - 0
Release luz 0.3.0
#99 opened by dfalbel - 1
- 8
Leak the `fit` function environment
#74 opened by dfalbel - 1
- 1
Move `master` branch to `main`
#75 opened by jennybc - 0
Release luz 0.2.0
#62 opened by dfalbel - 4
- 0
- 1
Combining early stopping with csv logger callback, metrics for last epoch don't get logged
#64 opened by skeydan - 1
- 0
Training data should be shuffled by default
#70 opened by dfalbel - 0
Support for `valid_data = p`
#68 opened by dfalbel - 2
Minimum and maximum number of epochs
#53 opened by mattwarkentin - 0
- 0
`luz_callback_csv_logger()` saves a space-delimited file, not a comma-separated one. I think `sep = ","` needs to be added here:
#50 opened by dfalbel - 0
Support for mixed precision
#49 opened by dfalbel - 0
Release luz 0.1.0
#47 opened by dfalbel - 0
plot method for fitted models
#38 opened by dfalbel - 1
add URL to the description
#42 opened by dfalbel - 0
Profile callback
#43 opened by dfalbel - 0
- 2
- 0
luz_metric_auroc does not work on GPU
#29 opened by dfalbel