
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Compound Repositioning Uitilizing WikiData as a Backend

This repo will be focused on WikiData and the potential for using this graph database to create the backend for a learning algorithm to dtermine possible repositioning candidataes.


To compile blazegraph

  • javac - java compiler, included in default-jdk in ubuntu
  • mvn - apache maven

To run Blazegraph

  • Java 7 or greater

To run the pipline

  • Anaconda with python version 3.7

Database Installation Instructions

Data Download

WikiData dump file was downloaded using download_data.sh to the directory 0_data/ The 20181112 data file was approx 46.13G and finshed in 8h 59m.

Database Installation

Blazegraph can be installed using the install_blazegraph.sh script. This will use git to clone the widkidata-qurey-rdf repository, to the parent directory, build using maven and then copy the resulting scripts to a folder titled db. wikidata-query-rdf is liscenced under the apache 2.0 liscence. This archive also contains many useful scripts for reducing the size of the data in the dump and loading into blazegraph.

Clean Data

The clean_data.sh script will split the data into smaller pieces for better data loading. In the process of splitting, it will remove all non-english language data and all sitelinks, to reduce data size. (approx 18 hr)

Data Load

The load_data.sh script will load the split wikidata dump file into blazegraph. The data is stored in wikidata.jnl, which comes to about 413 GB in the current (20181112) dump of wikidata. (approx 51h 33m 42s)

Python installation instrucitons

This repo is designed to run with a python3.7 based anaconda enviornment

Install and activate the anaconda enviornment

$ conda env create envionment.yml
$ source activate ml