mmmmmm44/VTuber-Python-Unity isn't opening any window

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm unable to run python unity connection together.
Getting this issue


apart from this, whenever I run my mainpy file, it doesn't open any window. face landmark work properly independently.

can you please help me out?
also, unity window shows 0 animations.

Sorry for the poor documentation I made in the .README

By default there will be no window showing the image of the camera (maybe I will change that in the future, and there will be no connection to unity by default.

You can enable both using arguments when executing the program in command line

E.g. If you want to connect to unity and showing the camera image as well, you can type the following command.

python --connect --debug

Here below is the available arguments (which is typed in the file)


Sorry for the inconvenience <(_ _)>