
Live2D chitoge problem

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The other eye isn't closing as well as the other one isn't opening even the mouth wont open.
The only thing works is moving the head, Tried messing some settings and manage to open both of the eyes but it wont blink now.

Or maybe Chitoge's model is different on Hiyori's model? I know they came from Live2D sample data but why chitoge facial isn't working.
Hiyori's model is working fine but kinda glitchy eye blinking if I'm not close to the camera.

It is normal that features supported varies across different models. But I think that eyes blinking and moving their mouths are basic features which should be supported across models. It is possible that their parameters (the id) vary so u may trying changing the id (i.e.: model.parameters[id]), or even have to test each of them manually in the unity inspector to find the correct one.

Regarding your second feedback, it is normal that the eye blinking will be glitchy when not closing to the camera, which you can observe similar effects whiling watching other VTuber streamings (even the Hololive's talents). It is because when you are a bit away from the camera, the pixel distance between detection points of the eyes reduces, which the value is likely to lie between the minimum and maximum threshold. As the blinking effect is done by taking the percentage of the pixel distance in between the two thresholds with a view to creating a smooth blinking effect, and the difference between the two thresholds are quite tiny, it is inevitable that glitchy eye blinking occurs. The problem can be avoided by adjusting the thresholds after placing the camera in a stable position, and remaining the distance between your head and the camera as steady as possible. It is possible that we can make use of the estimated 3D coordinates of the head model in the virtual space to change the threshold dynamically to minimize the problem.

I hope you enjoy the project.

I found the parameter ID list so I'll test it or play it with until it works.

I'll send an update if it works!
Thanks btw!


Added 4 int variables, turns out the Right and Left eye are below 1 to the original id and the mouth and mouth deform are above 1 to the original ID.

// original parameter you set
Right: 4
Left: 6
Mouth Opening: 19
Mouth Form: 18

// new param
Right: 3
Left: 5
Mouth Opening: 20
Mouth Form: 19

since this is fixed i'm gonna close this issue now!