
Software Development Repository for RMC

Primary LanguageC++

EDT Robotics - NASA Robotic Mining Competition

The core components repository for Chicago EDT Robotics open-source NASA Robotic Mining Competition software platform.


Create A Fresh RMC Workspace

cd ~/ && mkdir -p rmc_ws/src && cd rmc_ws/src

Core Components (Vision, Planning, Localization, Hardware Drivers, etc.)

git clone https://github.com/chicagoedt/rmc_software.git

Simulator (Simulated Robot & Hardware)

git clone https://github.com/chicagoedt/rmc_simulation.git

Rosdep (Dependency Rosolver)

rosdep is used to make sure various dependencies that ROS packages have specified in each of their own package.xml files are installed on your machine. If rosdep cant find them installed on your system, it will install them for you.

rosdep update

rosdep install --from-paths ./ --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y

Go to the catkin workspace

cd ~/rmc_ws

Lets build it


If you get any "cannot locate/find package 'foo' ", you can manually install it:

sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-foo

(Note: if the package name in the error has an underscore in it (i.e. foo_foo), the apt-get package will have a hyphen (-) in it, and not a underscore (_): sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-foo-foo)

Once you finally build everything 100% with no errors:

echo "source ~/rmc_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

(optional) Restart terminal

Simulate both the robot and its hardware:

roslaunch rmc_simulation gazebo.launch

If you find a bug, script issue, or something that doesnt work for you, please open a issue if you are stuck or submit a pull request if you have a solution.

Qt Mission Control (Teleop Mode)

  1. In order to build Mission Control Qt application please go to http://www.qt.io/download-open-source/ and download Qt 5.5 or later
  1. After starting QT Creator open mission_control.pro project file. This will create mission_control.pro.user file. DO not chekc this file. This file is your local machine settings.