
A collection of labeled car driving datasets

MIT LicenseMIT


The following links are Google drive links containing datasets of images recorded from a car dashcam with labeled steering angles. Some of the datasets may have timestamps as well.

If you have a specific request or have an idea of how these datasets can be improved, email me at sullyfchen@gmail.com or message me through GitHub!


Absolutely, under NO circumstance, should one ever pilot a car using computer vision software trained on these datasets (or any home made software for that matter). It is extremely dangerous to use your own self-driving software in a car, even if you think you know what you're doing, not to mention it is quite illegal in most places and any accidents will land you in huge lawsuits.

These datasets are purely for research and statistics, absolutley NOT for application or testing of any sort.

07/01/2018 Dataset

Approximately 63,000 images, 3.1GB. Data was recorded around Rancho Palos Verdes and San Pedro California.


Data format is as follows: filename.jpg angle,year-mm-dd hr:min:sec:millisec

Dataset 1

Approximately 45,500 images, 2.2GB. One of the original datasets I made in 2017. Data was recorded around Rancho Palos Verdes and San Pedro California.


Data format is as follows: filename.jpg angle


If you found these datasets helpful and would like to help cover the costs of producing these datasets, you can support through PayPal or Venmo. No pressure though, these datasets will still be here whether you support or not :)