
Cookiecutter template for presentations using remark.js

Primary LanguageCSS

Cookiecutter remark.js

Cookiecutter template for remark.js presentations

See the official remark.js website for what's so cool about remark!


  • Simple index.html file
  • Separate slides.css and slides.md files for ease of editing
  • Default styling in slides.css taken from the remark.js sample presentation
  • Presentation configuration in cookiecutter setup


  1. Install the latest Cookiecutter
  • pip install -U cookiecutter
  1. Create a presentation from this Cookiecutter
  • cookiecutter gh:malikoth/cookiecutter-remarkjs
  1. Edit content into slides.md. See the remark.js wiki for help setting up your slides
  2. Customize any css in slides.css
  3. Serve your presentation over HTTP using one of the following methods (or others)
  4. Commit your presentation to the gh-pages branch of a Git repository and push it to GitHub
  5. Serve the presentation from your local harddrive with Python * python -m SimpleHTTPServer or * python3 -m http.server
  6. Enjoy the applause after presenting your amazing talk


Option name Description Default
presentation_name The name of your presentation. This will also appear on the title slide My Presentation
project_slug The folder to store your presentation in my-presentation
mermaid Whether to link in Mermaid.js for pretty graphs or not true
highlight_language Default language for syntax highlighting python
highlight_style Default style for syntax highlighting monokai
highlight_lines Whether or not to highlight lines that start with an asterisk in code blocks true
aspect_ratio Aspect ratio for the presentation 4:3