

Nuxeo VR Hackathon Submission

Nuxeo VR Hackathon Submission (VR Mode)

Google VR SDK Setup

  1. Download GoogleVRForUnityV1.10.0.unitypackage (for Unity 5.5.1f1)

  2. Selecting the Assets folder, click Assets > Import Package > Custom Package… > GoogleVRForUnityV1.10.0.unitypackage

  3. If an API Update Required alert pops up, click I Made a Backup. Go Ahead!

  4. Open Assets/GoogleVR/Scripts/Video/GvrVideoPlayerTexture.cs and change line 595 to yield return false;

  5. If an Package Import Required alert pops up, click Import Package

iOS Development Setup

  1. File > Build Settings…

  2. Add Open Scenes > iOS > Switch Platform

  3. Player Settings… > Resolution and Presentation > On Allowed Orientations for Auto Rotation disable everything but Landscape Left

  4. Player Settings… > Other Settings > Set Bundle Identifier on Identification

  5. Build