
A simulation of basic robot localization (SLAM) and navigation in warehouse environment.

Use ROS Robot with SLAM

This Repository will explain my 3rd task in Robotics and AI department at SMART METHODS summer training.

Task Requirements:

  • Use another ROS robot to creat and save a map.

Detailed Steps:

  1. Using this package to provide a simulation environment of a warehouse. A robot is simulated at the center of the environment, with 2D laser scanner provided.

  2. Install ROS package sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-hector-trajectory-server ros-melodic-slam-gmapping ros-melodic-navigation 3.Clone repository

    • cd ~/catkin_ws/src
    • git clone https://github.com/mo7ammed-saleh/warehouse_simulation_toolkit
    • cd ..
    • catkin_make
    • source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
  3. Launch ROS

    • roslaunch warehouse_simulation warehouse_simulation.launch

  4. Autonomous Navigation by setting a target points in RVIZ and the robot will navigate to the location in gazebo.

    • click 2d nav goal button on rviz and then click any points you want on the map.

  5. When the map is created successfully in Rviz, open new terminal and save it using the command rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/map

  6. Refrences: (https://github.com/Amg0z/warehouse_simulation_toolkit).

  7. Task is Done 😍