- 5
Impossible import com.qozix.tileview
#544 opened by Amattia - 1
- 0
JCenter -> MavenCenter
#542 opened by rnprocore - 0
Does this lib support SVG format
#541 opened by georgethms10 - 5
Mike passed away
#540 opened by p-lr - 1
build() method starts to return void instead of TileView
#539 opened by mwe8 - 2
Use in viewholder for recycler view.
#538 opened by AlexeyKorshun - 1
`android.os.BadParcelableException` regarding `com.moagrius.widget.ScrollView$SavedState.<init>`
#537 opened by danramteke - 1
- 3
Marker causes change in view
#505 opened by balachanthiran - 4
Markers disappear when zooming
#528 opened by inneke-dc - 0
#534 opened by IsuruSandaruwan97 - 0
- 5
StreamProvider asked to provide data for rows and columns out of bounds with to small images
#530 opened by tva-TIS - 1
White text on white background in Advanved Tile Demo
#532 opened by tva-TIS - 8
Tiles outside the image are created
#531 opened by inneke-dc - 8
How to locate my touch point on tileview?
#491 opened by shoneworn - 7
Documentation slight outdated (for quick setup)
#494 opened by perrochon - 1
Cannot add tile images on the fly
#529 opened by blakete - 2
Open source but no license?
#527 opened by cmtwc - 15
- 4
Restore position and zoom upon configuration change
#511 opened by p-lr - 2
Combine smooth scroll and scale
#523 opened by inneke-dc - 1
Remote images sometimes fail to load
#510 opened by moagrius - 17
MinimumScaleMode: FIT
#512 opened by p-lr - 11
Zooming further than max
#502 opened by gallmann - 2
Remote tile demo freezes and crashes
#519 opened by moagrius - 3
Move and delete marker using default MarkerPlugin
#514 opened by p-lr - 9
Scale background
#513 opened by inneke-dc - 1
Use latest ScrollView
#517 opened by moagrius - 3
Issues scaling past 1f
#518 opened by moagrius - 19
Can't load tile image from internal storage
#509 opened by michaelneuf - 26
Scaling behavior
#499 opened by p-lr - 5
ScrollView should be a separate repo
#493 opened by moagrius - 7
image size calculating
#504 opened by MoeBro - 3
Disable pinch zoom and any zooming
#503 opened by shriharsha-bhagwat - 10
Could not find com.qozix:tileview:3.0.1
#507 opened by felipeplets - 2
Alternative tile sources
#508 opened - 3
Issue with marker
#500 opened by Amattia - 13
Trouble including in my own project
#495 opened by perrochon - 1
How to use Gilde as a StreamProvider
#501 opened by skauss - 2
Demo fails to build if I change dependency to implementation 'com.qozix:tileview:3.0.1'
#506 opened by arfan - 1
How to draw path on TileView
#498 opened by Amattia - 1
How to change pixels color of TileView in real time
#497 opened by Amattia - 14
I am Able to Zoom tileview but tileview gets hidden after full zoom
#487 opened by shriharsha-bhagwat - 1
Support GIF?
#492 opened by xutao29 - 2
defineDetail not defined
#490 opened by PiotrGryko - 3
setSize and SetTileSize issues
#488 opened by shriharsha-bhagwat - 8
Heatmap Generation
#486 opened by srbhagwatsrb - 3
Support Remote Images
#485 opened by daominhsangvn