
UIParticles disappear abruptly on Game view

Closed this issue · 4 comments

jfez commented

Hey! I've found something weird since I got my UIParticles working flawless on the Editor view, disappearing with a fade done by the Color over Lifetime property after the Start Lifetime has passed, however, the exact same particles on the Game view are disappearing abruptly way before the Start Lifetime is done.

Does this issue sound familiar to you? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

Thank you for your reporting!
Could you please attach a minimal project (included Assets, Packages and ProjectSettings directories) that reproduces the issue?


jfez commented

Yeah, of course, here you go! Thanks!

It appears that the Noise module is causing particles to move out of bounds.
Setting ParticleSystem.transform.localScale.z = 0 fixed the issue, and the particles are displayed correctly.

jfez commented

Hey! That approach almost fixed it, however I was getting these errors:
Also, ParticleSystem.transform.localScale.z = 0 is not valid to me since when using actual seagulls, they rotate based on Z axis; so what I've done to make it finally work is to use a extremely low value, something like ParticleSystem.transform.localScale.z = 1e-10 and now it works like a charm.

Thank you so much for your help!