Particles spawn too close to the camera
MihaMarkovi opened this issue ยท 6 comments
Unity version: 2021.2.20f1
Package version: 4.9.0
Hello! I have encountered the problem with particles spawning too close to the camera as shown on the picture below. In this example, Auto Scaling mode is set to "UI Particle".
When I set Auto Scaling Mode to "None", that seems to fix the issue, but particles are now way too large.
Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance.
In haste, here is the workaround:
// Assets/Games/Test/Scripts/LuckyChip.cs (178)
// _particles2DCircle.Play();
// _particles2DStars.Play();
var uip = GetComponentInChildren<UIParticle>();
uip.enabled = false;
uip.enabled = true;
await MoveChipToPosition(_initialPosition, playPlaceAnimation);
Thanks for fix @mob-sakai !
I have implemented your solution, but Simulate method resets particles when you call it multiple times, which I don't want, so I replaced it with Play. When using Play method, particles are still drawn in front of the camera, but no I at least dont see them, so that works fine for me.
Do you by any chance know when this will be fixed?
Unfortunately, a fundamental fix is hard to find.
A better solution is to control emissions with ParticleSystem.emission.enabled=true/false
instead of ParticleSystem.Play()/Stop()
ParticleSystem.main.looping = true;
ParticleSystem.main.playOnAwake = true;
ParticleSystem.emmision.enabled = false;
// _particles2DCircle.Play();
// _particles2DStars.Play();
await MoveChipToPosition(_initialPosition, playPlaceAnimation);
// _particles2DCircle.Stop();
// _particles2DStars.Stop();