
PyIter is a Python package for iterative operations inspired by the Kotlin、CSharp(linq)、TypeSrcipt and Rust . Enables strong **typing** and type inference for iterative operations.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Pypi version

PyIter is a Python package for iterative operations inspired by the Kotlin、CSharp(linq)、TypeSrcipt and Rust . Enables strong typing and type inference for iterative operations.

  • Chain operations like map, reduce, filter, map
  • Lazy evaluation
  • parallel execution
  • strong typing


pip install pyiter


from pyiter import iterate as it
from tqdm import tqdm

text = ["hello", "world"]
# ['HELLO', 'WORLD']

words = 'I dont want to believe I want to know'.split()
it(words).group_by(lambda x: x).map(lambda g: (g.key, g.values.count())).to_list()
# [('I', 2), ('dont', 1), ('want', 2), ('to', 2), ('believe', 1), ('know', 1)]

# use tqdm
it(range(10)).map(lambda x: str(x)).progress(lambda x: tqdm(x, total=x.len)).parallel_map(lambda x: x, max_workers=5).to_list()

Type inference .


See API documention.

  • You no need to read api documention. all api functions are listed by the code completion as follows.


  • All documentions are showed as follows.


Similar libraries

Note that none of the following libraries are providing full strong typing for code completion.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.