
Pyterator helps you write fluent interfaces for collections

Primary LanguagePython


Write fluent functional programming idioms in Python.

  • Chain operations like map, reduce, filter_map
  • Lazy evaluation

Readable transformation functions, as opposed to Lisp-ish prefix notation-esque map filter functions.



pip install git+https://github.com/remykarem/pyterator.git#egg=pyterator

Quick start

>>> from pyterate import iterate
>>> text = ["hello", "world"]
>>> iterate(text).map(str.upper).to_list()

Chain operations

>>> text = ["hello", "my", "love"]
>>> (
...     iterate(text)
...     .filterfalse(lambda x: x in ["a", "my"])
...     .map(str.upper)
...     .map(lambda x: x+"!")
...     .to_list()
... )
['HELLO!', 'LOVE!']


Using map, reduce in Python forces you to write in prefix notation-esque which makes it hard to read.

For a transformation pipeline:

[1, 2, 3, 4] -> [2, 3, 4, 5] -> [3, 5] -> 15


reduce(lambda x,y: x * y,
    filter(lambda x: x % 2,
        map(lambda x: x+1, [1, 2, 3, 4])), 1)

which looks similar to Common Lisp

(reduce #'*
    (remove-if #'evenp
        (mapcar (lambda (x) (1+ x)) '(1 2 3 4))))

and Haskell

foldl (*) 1 
    (filter odd 
        (map (\x -> x+1) [1, 2, 3, 4]))

which are languages where prefix notation is their natural syntax.

List comprehensions, while idiomatic and commonplace among developers, can be hard to read at times.


This design is largely influenced by modern languages that implement functional programming idioms like Rust, Kotlin, Scala and JavaScript. The Apache Spark framework, which is written in Scala, largely exposes functional programming idioms in the Python APIs.

We want the subject of the chain of transformations to be the data itself, then call the operations in succession:




Since Python's iterator does not have methods map, reduce, we implemented our own iterate, which is similar to Python's builtin iter, so that client code can easily switch it out.



It is also a builder function, which returns a _Pyterator instance that implements __next__.

How it works

Lazy. Reduce operations and to_list() operations will 'materialise' your transformations.


Example 1: Square

[1, 2, 3, 4] -> [1, 4, 9, 16]
>>> from pyterator import iterate
>>> nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]


>>> iterate(nums).map(lambda x: x**2).to_list()

List comprehension

>>> [x**2 for x in nums]

Map reduce

>>> list(map(lambda x: x**2, iter(nums)))

Example 2: Filter


>>> iterate(nums).filter(lambda x: x > 3).to_list()

List comprehension

>>> [x for x in nums if x > 3]

Flat map

"peter piper",
"picked a peck",     ->
"of pickled pepper",

List comprehension

>>> [word for text in texts for word in text.split()]


>>> iterate(texts).flat_map(str.split).to_list()

Multiple transformations

>>> from pyterator import iterate
>>> stopwords = {"of", "a"}
>>> texts = [
    "peter piper Picked a peck  ",
    "of Pickled pePper",
    "\na peck of pickled pepper peter piper picked",

List comprehension

>>> words = [
        word for text in texts
        for word in text.lower().strip().split()
        if word not in stopwords]
>>> set(words)
{'peck', 'pepper', 'peter', 'picked', 'pickled', 'piper'}


>>> (
...     iterate(texts)
...     .map(str.strip)
...     .map(str.lower)
...     .flat_map(str.split)
...     .filter(lambda word: word not in stopwords)
...     .to_set()
... )
{'peck', 'pepper', 'peter', 'picked', 'pickled', 'piper'}

Inspired by



These gotchas pertain to mutability of the collections

What this is not for

Vectorised operations - use NumPy or other equivalent



  • map
  • enumerate
  • filter
  • for_each
  • filterfalse
  • filter_map
  • starmap
  • starfilter
  • star_map_filter


  • reverse

dimension change

  • partition
  • flat_map
  • star_flat_map
  • chunked
  • flatten
  • zip
  • chain


  • skip
  • first
  • nth
  • take


  • to_list
  • to_set
  • to_dict
  • groupby


  • reduce
  • all
  • any
  • min
  • max
  • sum
  • prod
  • join
  • sample

Similar libraries

Note that these libraries focus on fluent method chaining.