
Possible issue with pybind11 2.10

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The monthly wheel building checkup failed on macos.
The reason was an ambiguous call to py::make_iterator, which only hit on macOS.

The pybind11 changes indicate that 2.10 "improved perfect forwarding" for that function.
The change log makes no indication that the changes are breaking.
However, a comment notes this issue on macOS.

#955 pins pybind11 to 2.9.1 for now.
We will worry about 2.10 later.

Some unit tests fail with a segmentation fault. This will be tricky to dissect. The pybind11 team also have a plan for a point release to address some regression. Best plain is wait and see!

test_tree_sequencespy fails with an index out of bounds in the tree iterator class.

The errors are all having to do with a function calling py::make_iterator. I can now reproduce at least some of the original comment locally on Linux.