
(Yet another) Reinforcement Learning repository that aims to implement and benchmark various RL algorithms

Primary LanguagePython


DiverseRL is a repository that aims to implement and benchmark reinforcement learning algorithms.

This repo aims to implement algorithms of various sub-topics in RL (e.g. model-based RL, offline RL), in wide variety of environments.


  • Wandb logging
  • Tensorboard


You can install the requirements by using Poetry.

git clone https://github.com/moripiri/DiverseRL.git
cd DiverseRL

poetry install


Currently, the following algorithms are available.

Model-free Deep RL

Model-free Deep RL algorithms are set of algorithms that can train environments with state-based observations without model.

Pixel RL

Pixel RL contains set of algorithms that are set to train environments with high-dimensional images as observations, Such as Atari 2600 and dm-control.

Classic RL

Classic RL algorithms that are mostly known by Sutton's Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Can be trained in Gymnasium's toy text environments.

  • Q-learning
  • Model-free Monte-Carlo Control
  • Dyna-Q

Getting Started

Training requires two gymnasium environments(for training and evaluation), algorithm, and trainer.

from diverserl.algos import DQN
from diverserl.trainers import DeepRLTrainer
from diverserl.common.utils import make_envs

env, eval_env = make_envs(env_id='CartPole-v1')

algo = DQN(env=env, eval_env=eval_env, **config)

trainer = DeepRLTrainer(


Or you use hydra by running run.py.

python run.py env=gym_classic_control algo=dqn trainer=deeprl_trainer algo.device=cuda trainer.max_step=10000