- 1
Package marked as deprecated in homebrew
#35 opened by petrmikes - 4
Rebuild for Apple Silicon
#33 opened by nickineering - 0
- 5
- 20
- 1
`zsh: segmentation fault mysides list` on Ventura – Workaround -> Rearrange before list
#29 opened by acsr - 2
Mysides Version
#32 opened by ajaygeorge-1 - 3
Remove all option
#5 opened by rodchristiansen - 5
- 1
Alternative to mysides
#23 opened by mbrotz - 5
M1 Macs / Ventura
#27 opened by straxhaber - 4
Add position feature
#26 opened by fharper - 3
not working with apple silicon
#25 opened by jonathanstanley - 3
adding does not work
#24 opened by ferreirafabio - 1
FavoriteServers and FavoriteVolumes
#20 opened by garneran - 0
Remove items via URI?
#22 opened by melmatsuoka - 4
How to install
#19 opened by soupman99 - 7
SDK deprecation
#14 opened by CharlesIC - 1
Issue with "add" in 10.13.1
#16 opened by bwiessner - 3
- 0
Building the project
#12 opened by FranckSartori - 0
Add "mysides version" as argument
#11 opened by entusdictus - 0
After Using mysides to add a sidebar item, manually removing using the Finder does not remove sidebar item
#10 opened by apizz - 2
- 2
- 3
- 4
mysides assertion failed
#3 opened by morgrowe