
imitation learning baseline with dataset aggregation.

Primary LanguagePython

Imitation Learning


In this baseline we train a small squeezenet model on expert trajectories to simply clone the behavior of the expert. Using only the expert trajectories would result in a model unable to recover from non-optimal positions; Instead, we use a technique called DAgger: a dataset aggregation technique with mixed policies between expert and model.

Quick start

Use the jupyter notebook notebook.ipynb to quickly start training and testing the imitation learning Dagger.

Detailed Steps

Clone the repo

Clone this repo:

$ git clone https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown.git

$ cd gym-duckietown

Installing Packages

$ pip3 install -e .


$ python -m learning.train


  • --episode or -i an integer specifying the number of episodes to train the agent, defaults to 10.
  • --horizon or -r an integer specifying the length of the horizon in each episode, defaults to 64.
  • --learning-rate or -l integer specifying the index from the list [1e-1, 1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5] to select the learning rate, defaults to 2.
  • --decay or -d integer specifying the index from the list [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95] to select the initial probability to choose the teacher, the learner.
  • --save-path or -s string specifying the path where to save the trained model, models will be overwritten to keep latest episode, defaults to a file named iil_baseline.pt on the project root.
  • --map-name or -m string specifying which map to use for training, defaults to loop_empty.
  • --num-outputs integer specifying the number of outputs the model will have, can be modified to train only angular speed, defaults to 2 for both linear and angular speed.
  • --domain-rand or -dr a flag to enable domain randomization for the transferability to real world from simulation.
  • --randomize-map or -rm a flag to randomize training maps on reset.


$ python -m learning.test


  • --model-path or -mp string specifying the path to the saved model to be used in testing.
  • --episode or -i an integer specifying the number of episodes to test the agent, defaults to 10.
  • --horizon or -r an integer specifying the length of the horizon in each episode, defaults to 64.
  • --save-path or -s string specifying the path where to save the trained model, models will be overwritten to keep latest episode, defaults to a file named iil_baseline.pt on the project root.
  • --num-outputs integer specifying the number of outputs the model has, defaults to 2.
  • --map-name or -m string specifying which map to use for training, defaults to loop_empty.



  • We started from previous work done by Manfred Díaz as a boilerplate, and we would like to thank him for his full support with code and answering our questions.



  title={Interactive and Uncertainty-aware Imitation Learning: Theory and Applications},
  author={Diaz Cabrera, Manfred Ramon},
  school={Concordia University}

  title={A reduction of imitation learning and structured prediction to no-regret online learning},
  author={Ross, St{\'e}phane and Gordon, Geoffrey and Bagnell, Drew},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the fourteenth international conference on artificial intelligence and statistics},

  title={Dronet: Learning to fly by driving},
  author={Loquercio, Antonio and Maqueda, Ana I and Del-Blanco, Carlos R and Scaramuzza, Davide},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},