
A collection of AI labs for the Artificial Intelligence course taught at INSAT. Those labs contain manual implementation and optimisations of both informed and uninformed search algorithms to solve the Sliding Puzzle game and CSP algorithms with different heuristics to solve the Sudoku game.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A collection of AI labs for the Artificial Intelligence course taught at INSAT. Those labs contain manual implementation and optimisations of both informed and uninformed search algorithms to solve the Sliding Puzzle game and CSP algorithms with different heuristics to solve the Sudoku game.

Search Algorithms :

Manual implementation and optimisation of the :

  • Breadth-First-Search + iterative
  • Depth-First-Search + iterative
  • A* Star Search Algorithms with the the sum of all the Manhatten distance of each tile to its goal position and the Misplaced Tile admissible Heuristics.


  • Comparison of the different search algorithms in proportion to the grid side of the Sliding Puzzle game :


Constarint Satisfaction Problems:

Manual implementation of CSP algorithms using the Mininmum Remaining Value MRV Heuristic to solve the Sudoku game.

  • Results Without Heuristic :


  • Results With Heuristic :
