- 3
Duplicate main definitions in the ABI chapter
#884 opened by devreal - 2
ABI: MPI_Abi_set_fortran_booleans() is broken, boolean values may not fit in C int
#886 opened by dalcinl - 3
move ABI stubs repo to main org
#885 opened by jeffhammond - 2
Missing main definitions for MPI_LOGICAL* symbols
#874 opened by devreal - 0
Duplicate main definitions in tools chapter
#883 opened by devreal - 0
Table 14.1 has a slight overflow
#877 opened by bkmgit - 1
Errata item not in errata section
#876 opened by th-hlrs - 0
Missing main definitions for MPI ABI symbols
#873 opened by devreal - 0
Persistent collectives description doesn't reference their blocking counterparts
#879 opened by jaegerj - 1
Alltoallw rationale mentions an MPI_SCATTERW function
#880 opened by jaegerj - 0
Revisit thread-safety constraints
#882 opened by devreal - 1
- 0
Sentence is repeated twice in collective chapter
#878 opened by jaegerj - 1
ABI: Multiply defined labels
#870 opened by devreal - 2
Handle Debugging Interface
#847 opened by mahermanns - 0
PMPI symbols set using \mpifunc macro
#872 opened by devreal - 28
Change in thread safety in MPI 4.1
#846 opened by wgropp - 0
MPI requests are introduced too late
#875 opened by devreal - 1
Use subfigures and subcaptions for figures 8.2 and 8.3
#867 opened by bkmgit - 0
Add authors for MPI 5.0
#869 opened by wesbland - 2
dynamic process management: table 11.1 associated with section 11.4.1 tries to escape the chapter
#871 opened by hppritcha - 6
Hyperlinks for MPI symbols
#857 opened by devreal - 6
- 0
Lists of MPI function names in titles
#862 opened by bkmgit - 4
- 2
Deadlock-free example for nonblocking collectives
#859 opened by jdinan - 10
- 3
- 5
Allow overlapping regions in MPI_Scatter[v]
#840 opened by devreal - 0
Behavior of MPI_ERR_PENDING underspecified
#841 opened by devreal - 0
Change MPI-next to be 5.0
#868 opened by wesbland - 3
Need to add text in description of MPI_Session_init that it is a local operation
#850 opened by hppritcha - 16
UB for passing uninitialized variables to "significant only at root" arguments
#854 opened by jprotze - 7
- 1
- 0
- 6
- 4
MPI_IN_PLACE in MPI_Sendrecv/MPI_Isendrecv, deprecate MPI_Sendrecv_replace/MPI_Isendrecv_replace
#860 opened by softwaretraff - 0
- 3
- 0
PR 938 needs a changelog entry for MPI 4.2
#849 opened by hppritcha - 5
Website: Add MPI 4.1 implementation status table
#856 opened by EwoutH - 0
- 3
Update Procedures for Side Document Versions
#844 opened by wesbland - 2
#855 opened by jeffhammond - 0
PMPI_ falsely appearing in the function index
#851 opened by mahermanns - 0
Clarify when types need to be committed
#848 opened by jprotze - 0
- 0
redo callbacks to support third-party languages
#839 opened by jeffhammond - 5
what is the purpose of MPI_F_STATUS_IGNORE?
#837 opened by jeffhammond