Detection Eval

I. Requirements

  • numpy
  • scipy [optional, for scipy distance metric]
  • torch, mmcv [optional, for IoU metric]
  • tqdm [optional, for displaying evaluation progress]
pip install numpy scipy tqdm torch mmcv-full

II. Basic Usage

To perform basic evaluation, simply instantiate a DetectionEval instance and call it

detection_evaluator = DetectionEval( ... )
results = detection_evaluator( gts, preds )


results = DetectionEval.evaluate( gts, preds, ... )

The arguments are:

  • gts: a list of ground truth annotations. If not in (labels, boxes) format, then gt_processor must be specified.
  • preds: a list of predictions. If not in (labels, scores, boxes) format, then pred_processor must be specified.
  • thresholds: a list or dict that maps a label to a matching threshold.
  • criterion [optional]: matching criterion, can be one of
    ['iou', iou_2d', iou_bev', 'iou_3d', 'iof', 'iof_2d', 'iof_bev', 'iof_3d', 'euclidean', 'euclidean_3d']
    Defaults to iou.
  • epsilon [optional]: minimum threshold for matching. Defaults to 0.1.
  • filters [optional]: a list of callables that specify boxes that should be discarded or ignored. Defaults to None.
  • n_positions [optional]: number of recall positions to use in the AP evaluation. Defaults to 100.
  • metrics [optional]: a list of metrics that will be in the returned results. Defaults to ['ap'].
  • gt_processor [optional]: a callable that transforms each item in gts into (labels, boxes) format.
  • pred_processor [optional]: a callable that transforms each item in preds into (labels, scores, boxes) format.
  • verbose [optional]: whether to display evaluation progress. Defaults to False.

III. Evaluation Pipeline

For each specified filter, the detection evaluation consists of three steps

  • For each sample/frame, box matching is performed to compute TP/FP/FN breakdowns
  • The TP/FP/FN information from all samples are gathered and combined
  • Statsitics (e.g. AP) are computed

1. Evaluating One Sample

To manually evaluate one sample and get the detailed TP/FP/FN breakdown, you can use

gt_list, pred_list = DetectionEval.evaluate_one_sample( gt, pred, ... )

The parameters are similar to DetectionEval.evaluate(...):

  • gt: ground truth annotation. If not in (labels, boxes) format, then gt_processor must be specified.
  • pred: predictions. If not in (labels, scores, boxes) format, then pred_processor must be specified.
  • thresholds: a list or dict that maps a label to a matching threshold.
  • criterion [optional]: matching criterion, can be one of
    ['iou', iou_2d', iou_bev', 'iou_3d', 'iof', 'iof_2d', 'iof_bev', 'iof_3d', 'euclidean', 'euclidean_3d']
    Defaults to iou.
  • epsilon [optional]: minimum threshold for matching. Defaults to 0.1.
  • filta [optional]: a callables that specify boxes that should be discarded or ignored. Defaults to None.
  • ctable [optional]: pairwise distance table between the gt and pred boxes. Defaults to None.
  • gt_processor [optional]: a callable that transforms each item in gts into (labels, boxes) format.
  • pred_processor [optional]: a callable that transforms each item in preds into (labels, scores, boxes) format.

The return value is a tuple of two BoxList objects: gt_list and pred_list.

2. BoxList - TP/FP/FN Data Structure

The return value from the evaluation are two BoxList type objects that store the necessary TP/FP/FN information.

BoxList objects has the following attributes:

  • ignored: a binary mask indicating if a box is ignored during the evaluation
  • bg: a binary mask indicating if a box does not match with any GT/pred box (e.g. IoU < epsilon)
  • localized: a binary mask indicating if a box is correctly localized (e.g. best_iou > threshold)
  • loc_scores: an array that records the localization scores (e.g. IoU, distance, etc.)
  • classified: a binary mask indicating if a box is correctly classified, ignoring localization
  • gt_labels: (matched) ground truth labels for the boxes
  • pred_labels: (matched) predicted labels for the boxes
  • pred_scores: (matched) predicted scores for the boxes
  • matched_idx: an array that stores indices of the matching GT/pred boxes (for TPs)
  • data: extra payload that can be attached by the user during evaluation

For each sample, the evaluation will always generate two BoxList objects, one for GT boxes and one for predicted boxes. To correctly perform aggregation and combine matched_idx attribute when combining BoxList objects, the two list can (and should) be paired. This is done automatically, but to manually pair two BoxList, do


3. Evaluate Multiple Samples

To evaluate multiple samples, you can call DetectionEval.evaluate_one_sample for each sample and aggregate the results. Alternatively, DetectionEval also provides a function that simplifies this process.

gt_list, pred_list = DetectionEval.evaluate_all_samples( ... )

The parameters are the same as DetectionEval.evaluate_one_sample, with the following exceptions:

  • gts: instead of a single gt sample, evaluate_all_samples takes a list of gt samples.

  • preds: similarly, it takes a list of preds samples.

  • pbar [optional]: a tqdm progress bar object to show the evaluation progress. pbar.update() will be called after each sample evaluation.

  • callback [optional]: a callable that will be called after evaluating each sample. It can be used to attach additional data to the result BoxList objects.

    The callback will be provided with the following positional arguments:

    callback(sample_idx, gt, pred, gt_list, pred_list)

# Progress bar can be tqdm, tqdm.notebook or other compatible objects
from tqdm import tqdm
pbar = tqdm(total=len(gts))

# A callback that attaches extra data to the `BoxList`
def attach_data( sample_idx, gt, pred, gt_list, pred_list ): = gt['data'] = pred['data']

gt_list, pred_list = DetectionEval.evaluate_all_samples(
    preds, gts, ..., pbar=pbar, callback=attach_data