
Collection of g2o examples to teach myself how to use g2o

Primary LanguageC++

G2o Examples

I have a custom docker image with baselayer as ubuntu and g2o installed. I try to develop some usable g2o codes.

docker run -it my-custom-image:v1.1

Docker config

Base layer is Ubuntu22.04.

  • build essentials gcc, git, cmake
  • Eigen3
  • g2o version from oct24 2023

Running the code base with docker

Make sure you have docker installed on your host pc.

Clone this repo to your local machine

cd $HOME/Downloads 
git clone https://github.com/mpkuse/g2o_tutorial

Run Docker

I have a docker image with g2o and Eigen installed on it. Mount the repo in the docker at /code and run the docker.

docker run -v $HOME/Downloads/g2o_tutorial:/code -it mpkuse/my-g2o-image

Additional terminals

docker ps #to get container id
docker exec -it <CONTAINER_ID> /bin/bash

Build Docker then Run

docker build -t joke-image  .
docker run -v $HOME/Downloads/g2o_tutorial:/code -it joke-image 

Compile code (in docker)

Run the docker and in the docker's terminal execute this

$(docker) cd /code 
$(docker) mkdir build 
$(docker) cd build 

$(docker) cmake .. 

$(docker) make 
$(docker) ./simple_optimize