
My Collection of ros utilities

Primary LanguageC++

Collection of ROS Utilities

Synchronized Stereo Image Saver

Will read a bag file and save the an image topic to file for stereo pair. Also supports compressed image stream.

roslaunch kros_utils stereo_saver.launch

Compressed Image Topic to Uncompressed

rosrun image_transport republish compressed in:=/camera/fisheye1/image_raw _image_transport:=compressed  out:=/out/camera/fisheye1/image_raw/

Unsplit Lidar Cloud

Converts the split lidar cloud to unsplit cloud. The split cloud has a message at every acquisition. It is often at very high framerate (~1500 Hz). The script accumulates several clouds and publishes at a lower rate say 10 Hz.

roslaunch kros_utils unsplit_lidar_ptcld.launch


Manohar Kuse mpkuse@connect.ust.hk