
Intel Neural Compute Stick MNIST Demo

Primary LanguagePython

Bare Bones Example on running Keras model on NCS2 (Intel Compute Stick 2)

Note: All these need python3 to run. Also ensure tensorflow (needed for training and convert keras files to .pb) is installed on python3.

Train a model

python3 mnist_mlp.py

Keras Model to Frozen Tensorflow Graph

This will load the saved .h5 (keras model), convert to frozen tensorflow graph

python3 mnist_predict.py

Frozen Graph (.pb) to Intel's (IR)

source ~/intel/openvino/bin/setupvars.sh
mo_tf.py --input_model output_model.pb --input_shape "(1,784)"

Oftentimes, it suffices to simply set the batch size,

mo_tf.py --input_model output_model.pb -b 1

Also note NCS2 uses the nchw format, tensorflow uses the nhwc format. Also, the color channels it uses is bgr and your model could be rgb, be mindful of that. This is constantly changing, so look at the latest documentation. Ideally you should numerically verify the output when using keras and when using NCS2 before you deploy.

Execute IR On Device (NCS2 aka MYRIAD)

python3 run_on_ncs2.py