Opencv4.8 Example

Trying out the newest opencv with the latest tools. Idea is to develop a set of examples with the latest opencv. Also make all the needed library environment for computer vision developers (especially SLAM) in one place with a docker.


The supplied docker has opencv4.8 already setup and installed with graphics.

You may generate a docker by yourself:

docker build -t joke-image:with-opencv  

OR pull one from docker hub

docker pull mpkuse/joke-image:with-opencv

Run Docker

$(host) xhost +local:root 

$(host) docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v $HOME/Downloads/opencv4.8_tutorial:/code mpkuse/joke-image:with-opencv-clean

Compile and Run C++ Code (in docker)

$(docker) cd /code && mkdir build && cd build 
$(docker) cmake .. && make 
$(docker) ./example #should display a lena image

Run Python code

$(docker) cd py 
$(docker) python3