- 18
Box Zoom Doesn't Scale Properly
#497 opened by astrobc1 - 1
Quiver plot inverted Y-axis
#524 opened by thladnik - 1
- 0
Wrong drawing[ax.set_xscale('log') ]
#523 opened by JLU-WY - 0
Single axis zoom.
#520 opened by jjacekk - 1
- 4
Low resolution with imshow
#475 opened by elkfraaf - 0
- 0
- 0
cannot use `BoundaryNorm` with scatter
#515 opened by tsutterley - 2
import mpld3 - DeprecationWarning
#509 opened by vaclavvesely - 10
Marker size when zooming
#482 opened by mocquin - 0
- 1
Null treated as zeros instead of missing values
#513 opened by quantum-quant - 2
get_offset_position deprecated (used in
#477 opened by hyanwong - 1
Plots are not visible if using dark theme
#507 opened by danielcs88 - 3
test_snapshots and test_show fail
#505 opened by mcepl - 3
- 10
XAxis' object has no attribute '_gridOnMajor
#479 opened by dmiller7115 - 1
InteractiveLegendPlugin - AttributeError: module 'collections' has no attribute 'Iterable'`
#508 opened by vaclavvesely - 1
Aspect ratio seems locked when zooming
#511 opened by kagb-cowi - 3
Embedding html in Jekyll broken due to comment in JS
#506 opened by rafmudaf - 4
AttributeError: module 'matplotlib.dates' has no attribute '_SwitchableDateConverter'
#504 opened by AlexAdvent - 0
String-based axis ticks don't work in matplotlib==3.3.0
#471 opened by vladh - 3
mpld3_demo notebook fails on matplotlib 3.5.0
#502 opened by RussTedrake - 2
compatibility with vscode debugging?
#503 opened by seyeeet - 2
How to sponsor mpld3 dev ?
#499 opened by arita37 - 1
KeyError: 'gridOn' 出现了这个问题,应该怎么解决呢?
#500 opened by nba20416 - 14
Cannot download JavaScript library from the GitHub server when publishing the graph online
#467 opened by dimonoid - 1
variable start_visible for different labels
#490 opened by LeoRuspini - 0
Fine tune grid and axis
#498 opened by eelcovv - 0
display bar chart of subset data with mouse hover on a bar chart of complete data
#496 opened by tarunkateja - 0
- 0
display with local=True DeprecationWarning
#494 opened by marcelrv - 0
LineHTMLToolTip not incorporating CSS
#493 opened by jackp2021 - 0
Fix axvline and add date support for annotations
#491 opened by cliffckerr - 0
Incorrect plotting for errorbar plots with logscale
#488 opened by pkienzle - 1
Docs : example of save_html with local js urls
#481 opened by mocquin - 1
Display issue for histogram with a log scale
#487 opened by gitliver - 1
Need for a plugin like mpld3.plugins.EdgeLabelTooltip for being able to highlight an edge between two nodes
#486 opened by hbalp - 1
- 4
Drag with constraints
#483 opened by maxclac - 2
Inverted Markers '^' and 'v' for scatter plot
#474 opened by victorbonnet - 0
Option to set floating point printing precision?
#478 opened by hyanwong - 1
- 1
Adding figure to existing base html page
#476 opened by mwhy - 0
Matplotlib widgets not available
#472 opened by lokeshbamb - 2
dict_to_fig function?
#468 opened by divyanshu16 - 3
- 2
Search Bar Plugin
#470 opened by elanzini