
A ROS workspace for the PH subprojects of EASE

Primary LanguageDockerfileBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


A ROS workspace for the P01/H02 subprojects of EASE.

Local installation

Install ROS Kinetic. Note that on macOS (and Windows) this is very experimental and difficult (up to almost impossible), hence we recommend using Docker there.

Once you have ROS Kinetic installed, git clone this repository at some convenient location. Then cd into the repository folder and run

source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
rosws update
rosdep update
rosdep install --ignore-src --from-paths src/
source devel/setup.bash

If you don't have it yet, now is a good time to also install Unity.

Activating the workspace

Whenever you want to catkin_make, build, or just use something from this workspace, cd into it and run

source devel/setup.bash

Remeber to do this whenever you open a new terminal tab in which you want to use the workspace!

Alternatively you can have bash do this for you automatically, by adding the source /path/to/your/workspace/devel/setup.bash command to your bash.rc file, if you expect this to be the default ROS workspace you will be using.

Docker installation (macOS)

If you decided to use Docker, the steps to get you on speed are different. First, install Docker, XQuartz, and Unity: [brew](https://brew.sh) cask install docker XQuartz unity.

You need to once build the docker image. This should be, in most cases, a one-off task:

docker build -t roscore .

Now, and whenever your en0 interface address changes, you need to run xhost + $(ipconfig getifaddr en0). This allows your docker container to connect to the XQuartz display. In case XQuartz is not running, you can start it using open -g -a XQuartz.

As a next step, you need to run the container. This is a more difficult step, as it requires many parameters:

docker run -d \
    --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/catkin_ws \
    -e DISPLAY=$(ipconfig getifaddr en0):0 \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -p 9090:9090 \
    --name roscore roscore

This command will

  • Start a container named roscore which runs the image roscore.
  • Mount the current directory into the docker container, so that it can read its contents. This is important so that you can change files from the outside and don't have to recreate the image after each change.
  • Map the /tmp/.X11-unix sockets between the OS and the container, so that the GUIs can be used from macOS (the environment variable DISPLAY is also part of this process).
  • Expose port 9090 used by the rosbridge to allow communication over this port.

The last setup step is to use the container to run rosws and rosdep:

docker exec roscore rosws update
docker exec roscore rosdep update
docker exec roscore rosdep install -y --ignore-src --from-paths src/

Whenever a code change happens and you need to run catkin_make, make sure to run it inside the container (note the ros_entrypoint.sh! This ensures proper environment variables.):

docker exec roscore /ros_entrypoint.sh catkin_make

The easiest way is to once run a bash and just call catkin_make inside it:

% docker exec -it roscore /bin/bash
root@5a42853ba845:/catkin_ws# catkin_make

In that case, however, you will have to run source devel/setup.bash after each catkin_make which introduces new packages.

Using this project

After your first catkin_make, if all worked well, you will end up with several different directories inside this repository.

One of them is src/[ease_ph_pr2_scenes](https://github.com/mpomarlan/ease_ph_pr2_scenes).

Run one of the scenarios (a PR2 robot nodding its head). Remember to source (local installation) or use the container (docker installation)!

roslaunch ease_ph_pr2_scenes scenario_nodding.launch

Now start up Unity and load the src/ease_ph_pr2_scenes directory as a project. Use File > Open Scene and select the nodding scene.

If all works, you unity should now be able to play the scene and you should see a robot nodding its head, controlled by ROS!