❄️ My dotfiles for NixOS and macOS as a Nix flake. Neovim, Fish shell, Wezterm, etc.
- 2
server: remove ollama+open-webui
#127 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
Wire up Jellyseerr push notifications with Gotify
#159 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
Replace `agenix` with `opnix` for server secrets
#149 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
- 1
switch to wezterm nightly
#118 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
Use Stylix for themeing
#146 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
nvim: search and replace
#129 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
add Eldritch theme
#140 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
NixOS: Polybar
#124 opened by mrjones2014 - 3
Arkenfox integration
#77 opened by theRoboxx - 0
new wallpaper
#133 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
[server]: drop dynamic DNS
#121 opened by mrjones2014 - 10
- 0
neovim: telescope-tabs
#111 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
custom fish "command not found" handler
#98 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
- 1
NixOS: Switch rofi for ulauncher
#125 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
server: recyclarr
#119 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
server: set up bazarr to download subtitles
#116 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
server: homepage
#114 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
server: cron job to update NextDNS linked IP
#115 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
better nginx setup
#112 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
server: overseerr
#109 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
server: enable fail2ban
#107 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
use nix in ci
#65 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
try nixd language server
#97 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
Fix nixfmt
#94 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
- 1
Use vim.filetype.match to get the lsp config?
#55 opened by towry - 1
update without triggering autocmd?
#54 opened by towry - 1
RIP `null-ls`
#45 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
`init.bash` shouldn't install `home-manager` on NixOS (since the NixOS configuration manages `home-manager` as a NixOS module)
#38 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
set GNOME keyboard shortcuts with Nix config
#31 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
- 1
update flake dependencies GH Action fails
#36 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
Apply some nice GTK3 CSS
#32 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
- 0
install wezterm terminfo via nix
#33 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
lazy.nvim not allowed to write lazy-lock.json
#30 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
Figure out how to auto-start applications when I log into GNOME via NixOS config
#29 opened by mrjones2014 - 4
- 0
Swap Albert app for Search Light
#27 opened by mrjones2014 - 0
Rename `misc` directory to `conf.d`
#24 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
Install and set up NixOS on my PC
#25 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
get nixGL working on Linux
#22 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
Redo Neovim statusline again
#21 opened by mrjones2014 - 1
- 0
Improve(Neovim): Add a notification when `null-ls` runs a formatter but it returns a non-zero exit code
#19 opened by mrjones2014 - 2
Thanks for the Fish config....
#18 opened by olimorris - 2
Feature request
#16 opened by tsyroid