Atom Editor plugin that shows the class/function/scope name of the current line on the status bar.
- 2
Just shows "[global]" in the status bar
#46 opened by michaeldavidtodd - 3
Relationship with symbols-view
#40 opened by mrkschan - 5
Uncaught Error: spawn ENAMETOOLONG
#32 opened by paradox460 - 3
- 0
Improve HTML scope finding
#44 opened by mrkschan - 0
Python lambda is not recognized
#42 opened by mrkschan - 2
Adopt JS ctags implementation?
#28 opened by mrkschan - 2
Support rtags for clang family
#36 opened by mrkschan - 2
Adopt universal-ctags?
#30 opened by mrkschan - 8
- 6
- 0
Uncaught Error: spawn EINVAL
#33 opened by kWhittington - 0
Support using a whitelist/blacklist of file extension to enable the display of all outer scope(s)
#31 opened by mrkschan - 15
- 1
CI server?
#27 opened by mrkschan - 0
For languages unknown to scope finder, do not use indentation to guess the end of scope
#26 opened by mrkschan - 1
When the scope list is too long to fit into the statusbar, inner scopes should have higher priority there
#25 opened by mrkschan - 0
- 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
ruby lambda is not recognized
#24 opened by mrkschan - 0
Java function is not recognized
#20 opened by mrkschan - 1
- 2
Object.addLeftTile is deprecated.
#17 opened by baelter - 8
- 1
Plain JS functions are not recognized in Coffee
#16 opened by mrkschan - 1
Struct and Interface are not supported in golang
#15 opened by mrkschan - 0
- 0
- 0
Certain languages like C-lang / Go-lang should not use indentation for scope finding.
#5 opened by mrkschan - 0
- 0
Should recognize JS clousre / anonymous function
#12 opened by mrkschan - 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 3
- 2
Reduce consumed CPU cycle
#4 opened by mrkschan - 0
- 0
JS function names are not detected correctly
#1 opened by mrkschan