
Test Framework for few-shot open set KWS

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Few-Shot Open-Set Learning for On-Device Customization of KWS

This repository contains the code to reproduce the experiments of our paper. We provide the scripts to:

  • train a fearure extractor using the Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus (MSWC) dataset with different training recipes and backbones (refer to the training details for more info)
  • run tests on the Google Speech Commands (GSC) dataset using few-shot examples to initilize a classifier that is meant to work in open-set

Please cite our paper in case you make reuse any part of the code:

  author={Manuele Rusci and Tinne Tuytelaars},
  title={{Few-Shot Open-Set Learning for On-Device Customization of KeyWord Spotting Systems}},
  booktitle={Proc. Interspeech},

Repository Overview

All the used scripts are included in the KWSFSL/ folder:

  • metric_learning.py: main training script
  • test_fewshots_classifiers_openset.py: main test script, including the metric calculation
  • data/: scripts to load MSWC and GSC data
  • classfiers/: classfiers used for the few-shot inizialization
  • models/: collection of loss functions and backbones exprimented

Data Preparation

After defining a<dataset_path>, follow the following instrcution to setup the MSWC and GSC datasets. Also note that additive noise from the DEMAND dataset is used at training time.

Multilingual Spoken Words Corpus (MSWC)

  • Simply download and unpack the engish partition inside the <dataset_path>. Audio files will be in <dataset_path>/MSWC/en/clips/
  • Convert the audio files to .opus to .wav and store to the outputs to <dataset_path>/MSWC/en/clips_wav/. This will fasten the file loads at runtime (no uncompress is needed) at the cost of a higher memory storage. If this step is not done, modify the folder name at line 390 of the MSWCData.py file
  • Put the split csv files (en_{train,test,dev}.csv) to the <dataset_path>/MSWC/en/ folder
  • Add the noise folder to sample the noise recordings: <dataset_path>/MSWC/noise/. We used samples from the DEMAND dataset, only copying the wav file with ID=01 of every noise type to the destination folder (the name of the file is the destination folder can be any).

Google Speech Commands (GSC)

The Google Speech Command dataset v2 is unpacked to <dataset_path>/GSC/. Any link for download can be used (e.g. torchaudio).

Open-Set Test Framework with Few-Shot Example enrollements

After training, the feature extractor is evaluated on a few-shot open-set problem. E.g.:

python KWSFSL/test_fewshots_classifiers_openset.py --data.cuda --speech.dataset googlespeechcommand --speech.task GSC12,GSC22 --speech.include_unknown --fsl.test.n_way 11 --fsl.test.n_episodes 10 --speech.default_datadir <dataset_path>/GSC/ --fsl.test.batch_size 264  --fsl.classifier ncm --fsl.test.n_support 10 --model.model_path results/TL_MSWC500U_DSCNNLLN/best_model.pt

As an example, we provide a DSCNNL_NORM model trained using the triplet loss on the MSWC dataset. The checkpoint file can be found in 'results/TL_MSWC500U_DSCNNLLN'.

Main Test Options

  • fsl.classifier. Type of the classifier. Options: ['ncm', 'ncm_openmax', 'dproto']. For dproto, the feature extractor has to be trained accordingly (dproto loss).
  • fsl.test.n_support. Number of support samples used to initialize the classifier. Options: []
  • fsl.test.n_way. Number of classes: N + 1 (unknown).
  • fsl.test.n_episodes. Number of test episodes. At every episode, a different set of support samples is loaded.
  • model.model_path. Path to the trained model (pt file).

Feature Extractor Training

To train the feature encoder on the MSWC dataset you can run:

python KWSFSL/metric_learning.py --data.cuda --speech.dataset MSWC  --speech.task MSWC500U --speech.default_datadir <dataset_path>/MSWC_en/en/ --speech.include_noise --model.model_name repr_conv --model.encoding DSCNNL_LAYERNORM --model.z_norm   --train.epochs 40  --train.n_way 80 --train.n_support 0 --train.n_query 20 --train.n_episodes 400 --train.loss triplet  --train.margin 0.5  --log.exp_dir <TEST_NAME>/

Make sure to set: dataset_path and TEST_NAME. You can use the command above to generate the trained model provided as an example in 'results/TL_MSWC500U_DSCNNLLN'.

Main Training Options

  • speech.dataset. Name of the dataset: 'MSWC'
  • speech.task. 'MSWC500U' means 500 classes with an Unbalanced number of samples.
  • speech.include_noise. If enabled, additive noise is added to the utterance samples.
  • model.model_name. 'repr_conv' indicates the class of the model.
  • model.encoding. Used encoder. DSCNNL_LAYERNORM is a DSCNN large model with a final layer norm layer. Check models/repr_model.py for more options.
  • model.z_norm. If enabled, L2 normalization is applied on the embeddings.
  • train.n_way. Number of classes for training episodes.
  • train.n_support. Number of support samples per training episode. Must be different from zero only if using prototypical loss.
  • train.n_query. Number of samples per training episodes.
  • train.n_episodes. Number of episodes for epoch.
  • train.loss. Available: 'triplet', 'prototypical', 'angproto', 'dproto'.
  • train.margin. Loss margin parameter.

Other scripts

  • train_class_loss.py. To train model for end-to-end classification.
  • test_supervised_openset.py. Test few-shot open set the model trained for end-to-end classification.


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