
ROS Continuous Integration with Azure DevOps

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Continuous Integration with Azure Pipelines

Visit here for more usage and examples.

This template helps you to set up a continuous integration (CI) build for your ROS repository with ROS. Use this template if you are not hosting your code in GitHub, if GitHub Actions are not sufficient or if you need to leverage specific Azure Pipelines features.


✔️ Learn the basics of Getting Started with Azure Pipelines.

✔️ Learn more about Azure Pipelines.

Using the Pipeline

Navigate to your Azure Pipelines project and create a new pipeline.

Select the location of your project. If the project is hosted on GitHub, select the GitHub option and then select the repository. You may need to provide Azure Pipelines access permissions to the repository. Select the correct repository if it isn't already selected and click Approve and Install.

When walking through the wizard, select starter pipeline and it will create a file of azure-pipelines.yml under the root of your ROS repository.

Replace azure-pipelines.yml with the following content:

    - repository: templates
      type: github
      name: ms-iot/rosonwindows_ci
      endpoint: <your github account>

- template: build.yml@templates  # Template reference
    rosdistro: melodic
    metapackage: desktop
    custom_version: '20200501.1.0'  # Optional; default is `latest`.
    custom_test_target: 'run_tests'  # Optional; default is `run_tests`.
      - linux
      - windows

resources defines where to look for this common template. In this example, it defines a Github repository reference to ms-iot\rosonwindows_ci and use an endpoint to access it.

Replace endpoint to your Github account (or your GitHub service connection name).

jobs\template defines what template to be included. In this example, include build.yml@templates, which means to refer to the build.yml under ms-iot\rosonwindows_ci GitHub repository.

Under template, there are some parameters to customize your CI build:

  • rosdistro and metapackage: You can use rosdistro for what ROS distro and metapackage for what the composition to check out for your CI build. In this example, it specifies to use melodic ROS distro and check out the ROS packages up to desktop.

  • custom_version: You can use this to specify what's the metapackage version to checkout. This is currently supported only for Windows builds.

  • custom_test_target: For projects which do not have run_tests as default test target, it can be set to a customized test target.

  • platforms: You can use this to select what platforms to run CI builds. Currently linux and windows are supported values.

Once the wizard finishes, your ROS package will build using the azure pipeline.


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