Dependencies, and how they are installed on Jetson Nano

  • cmake, from apt
  • opencv, compiled from source, Version 4.3.0, GPU enabled
  • eigen, Installed from source, Version 3.3.7
  • opengv, compiled, no releases on this project
  • liblas from apt "liblas-c-dev" and "liblas-dev"
  • yaml-cpp, compiled from source, Version 0.6.3
  • Drivers from arducam camera (see their website)
  • v4l-utils, from apt, "v4l-utils"
  • spdlog, installed from source, version v1.8.1

Add the following to "/etc/udev/rules.d/99-com.rules"

SUBSYSTEM=="gpio", GROUP="gpio", MODE="0660"

Also, add your user to the "gpio" group

sudo usermod -aG gpio <user>

By default, the nvidia process "nvgetty" is taking the serial port we need (nvgetty provides a serial terminal). We need to disable that process permanently to get access to the port. Note that this will prevent you from using the serial console on this port.

sudo systemctl disable nvgetty
sudo usermod -aG dialout <user>

Always reboot after adding your user to groups