
C# wrapper for msnhnet.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


C# wrapper for msnhnet.



Prebuild Msnhnet

How to use

  • 1 git clone https://github.com/msnh2012/Msnhnet
  • 2 git clone https://github.com/msnh2012/MsnhnetSharp.git
  • 3 Download pretrained models. 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mBaJvGx7tp2ZsLKzT5ifOg 提取码:x53z
  • 4 Build msnhnet with cmake (Release mode) or use prebuild lib.
  • 5 Copy msnhnet.dll and opencv dlls to MsnhnetSharp dir.(Debug or Relase)
  • 6 Open this project with Visual Studio.
  • 7 Build MsnhnetSharp and MsnhnetForm.
  • 8 Set msnhnetPath and msnhbinPath ("models" dir) and labelPath("Msnhnet/labels")
  • 9 Read image > init net > run.


Enjoy it.